11. The Hunt

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I will cut pieces of her to leave behind if you don't follow what I say.

The reins could've snapped in his fists.

Bring all the gold you have...

I'll kill him.

Meet in the square of Xeno and you might get your wife in one piece.

That foolish idiot. I should've killed him. I'll give him gold and everything including the clothes on my back to send him to Hell where I will listen to his screams of terror. He will pray after I'm done with him to send him to Hell.

There is no mercy.

Riftan's eyes hidden beneath the shadows of his fringe, his eyes locked singularly on one direction, narrowed in, his mind unable to steer out of the simmering volcano that was steaming beneath his skin and armour.

I will destroy that bastard.

The sight of the village in the far distance did little to quell the fury in his heart but they were ahead anyways and that was what Riftan wanted. Pathetic idiots! They don't even realize their stupidity and foolish planning will bring their end far sooner than they preferred.

And until I see Maxi myself, there will be no mercy, even after.

The town was quiet with the early evening as the weather was warm overhead and many gazes fell upon the figures of high ranking knights as they came through the towns gates and Riftan narrowed his gaze, looking for any figure of suspicion or hopefully a lady with flaming red hair.

"Commander, what are your orders-"

"They're either here now, waiting or on the way. Keep an eye out. If you see Maxi..." Riftan trailed off unsure of what to say but a single spike of fear lanced his heart suddenly and he flinched.

I felt this! Something's wrong! She is here!

"She's here!" Riftan's voice was rough and gravelly, his eyes burning into every face that looked their way but turned away at his volatile gaze. "I know it!"

"Don't worry commander!" Uslin muttered darkly, glaring at the crowd. "We'll find her-"

"Excuse me!"

Riftan turned a glowering gaze as an elderly woman in a dirtied gown and apron stumbled out of an inn, halting before him nervously as she gazed at their uniforms and the crest on them. She bowed her head nervously as she shakily spoke.

"P-pardon me, sir Knight, but you are the Remdragon knights are you?"

"Yes." Riftan muttered, his senses tensing as the woman glanced up at him, a look of relief as she smiled softly at him.

"Oh goodness, thank god. Your wife, I presume, lovely young woman with bright red hair-"

"Is she here?" The woman flinched at Riftan's sudden outburst and she nodded quickly as she pointed to her inn.

"Yes sir. She came to us looking a mess from the woods and in desperate need of a place to hide and said her husband, the Lord of Anatol would come for her. I gave her a room to wait for you." Riftan was already storming past her, his heart thundering in relief as he burst into the inn, eyes sweeping the room and seeing no red had his heart stutter in panic. Until the innkeeper bustled past him, smiling softly as she led him upstairs. "This way sir Knight." Riftan jumped up the stairs and the woman came to a door that was slightly open which made her hesitate as she knocked on the door. "My lady, are you awake-"

"Mother?" The innkeeper grew pale and Riftan quickly shoved the door open-

To see a mess.

A young girl with red trickling down the side of her temple and looking pale and sick as she sat up in pain was tearing up as she stared at the mess of the room before them. The innkeeper cried out at the sight of the young girl, running to her and dropping to her knees as she checked her over, sobbing in shock.

"I-I'm sorry, h-he said he was her husband and I s-said I would g-go check with her but he put a knife to my throat and forced me to bring him to her room! He knocked me out but-"

The table was thrown over on its side, a small pottery piece was shattered as though it had been thrown on someone's face as it had flecks of blood. The carpet was trussed up and the bed sheets were partially on the floor...

A coat on the floor, shredded and dirtied and bloodied was on the floor.

Riftan stiffly bent down to grab the coat, clenching it between his fingers as his emotions boiled within him and he shook as the thoughts burnt through him.

They were gone.

That cowardly fool...He thought he planned this out! But he fucking didn't! Maxi...Maxi, you-

"Sir, I'm so sorry-" The women flinched when Riftan suddenly stood up to his feet and stormed past them, thundering down the halls and leaping down the stairs and out the inn where the other knights were waiting. They only needed to take one look at his face and the coat in his hand to understand.

"Find them!" Riftan snarled barely restrained in his actions as he leapt onto Talon's back. "They've left the cowards! Find them and Maxi at all costs!"

"Sir, someone said a group of twenty or so men left at least thirty minutes ago! They went West!"



The horses thundered out of the village running west where Riftan could see horse tracks in the dirt and grounds and he jaw tightened as he gripped the reigns, simmering fury burning through him.

Maxi's face burned in his mind eye, her warm soft smile, her silver eyes glimmering with love and laughter...only for the eyes to waver with terror, her mouth parted as she screamed for him-


Riftan barely acknowledged the branch swiping against his cheek, no doubt leaving a scratch. His thoughts were only one person and the situation before them.

Maxi...Maxi, you were so brave! You got away from them, you escaped them and did the right thing and I won't let anything more bad happen now! Please, please, keep fighting! I'm coming and I'm not far!

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