13. Dangerous Territory

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Maxi gasped in pain as she was thrown on the dirty bracken floor, her side throbbing but she glared at Midahas as he narrowed his gaze at the men around him.

"What the hell do we do now?" Someone snapped, his eyes glancing around frantically before landing on Rob, frustration evident in his gaze. "We're being hunted down now and if we don't let her go, we're fucking dead!"

"Not to mention, we're too deep in these woods. There's a lot of monsters in the area."

"Fucking bitch screwed us over." Maxi tensed as someone yanked out a knife, baring his teeth as he stormed towards her. Maxi scrambled back in terror but the man was shoved back another man and Rob sneered irritably.

"What? You wanna kill her? You may as well tie up the nooses already then. No, we can fix this." He muttered, his eyes flickering back and forth, obvious tension and fear flickering in his eyes and Maxi wanted to laugh. She hated being so mean, so callous but seeing the all these mercenaries that were terrified beyond belief because her husband was hunting them, she wanted to rub a 'I told you' so in their faces. But it was probably best if she kept her voice shut and figured a means of escape soon. Riftan and the Remdragons would continue in the same direction they were in and they believed they had a decent headstart.

Maxi knew better.

She just had to hope there would be no monsters to appear anytime soon.

"Rest for ten minutes then we move." Rob snapped and suddenly turned to Maxi who tensed nervously as he eyed her darkly and suddenly approached her. Maxi flinched back but he suddenly grabbed her arm, yanking her up to her feet and hauling towards the group of men, who grabbed her hands. "Bind her tight, keep an eye on her this time until we move." His eyes narrowed softly at her, a frightening chilling smile on his face as he leaned into her face. "Are you gonna try and escape this time?"

Maxi didn't bother saying anything just glared at him but forced her gaze to lower as she gaze a single slight nod. "I hate to think of what I'd do if you try again. It wont be nice."

Maxi glowered at his back as he moved away and her arms were yanked behind her back, bound tightly and then forced on her knees to sit against a tree trunk while the men recovered and prepared to move again. She could hear them discussing their next set of moves, where to head to and how long it would take. She couldn't quite hear what they had in mind but from the sounds of it, Midahas was determined to get what he was rightfully owned.

Maxi gritted her teeth, lowering her gaze as she eyed the ground, but her mind was thinking ahead. I have to wait. Riftan will find me! He will.

"Alright let's move! We're heading North. Keep up!"


Maxi stumbled to her feet as she was sat atop of Rob's horse and he jumped behind her and kicked his horse off, leading the band of mercenaries down the road but turning a different direction, less on the path and more into the woods and Maxi felt her blood grow cold. Oh no! Oh god, please let Riftan and the other's catch on to what they are doing! If they were heading this way, they foolishly thought they were safe and the knights wouldn't follow.

Maxi wanted to shout at them but she couldn't with the gag and the further they travelled deeper into the woods, the thicker the brushes around them grew, and the darker their surroundings became. Maxi swallowed in terror as the sinister shadows followed them every inch of the way, very little light peeking through and-

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