19. Light

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The world couldn't pass by any faster.

Travel couldn't go any damn faster.

Talon panted heavily but was the hardest working horse Riftan ever knew of and would withstand most travels. Running over flat plains though the woods was nothing but the speed in which they travelled...

The world echoed what seemed like a thousands hooves upon the earth like a drum echoing in his chest, thundering alongside his beating heart which felt like it had never existed in the past two days.

"She's alive."

Alive. She was alive.

"She took a mixture to avoid the werewolves."

She was only numb.

"It slowed her body down to appear dead...studies about it...The wizard...I saw her move myself, commander."

She was alive! Maximilian! You're okay.

His eyes burned but not from the blasting air around them but he refused to let them slip down his face...not yet. Not until he saw her with his own eyes. Thoughts of Rob Midahas had left his mind briefly, he wasn't done with the bastard but he had someone far more important to see right now.

She's alive. Maxi's alive.

The life extinguished in his chest flickered and burned like a spark waiting to hit the right spot and bring him to life. I'm coming Maxi!

Bursting through the foliage, Riftan could see the smoke from houses at least an hour away rising overhead and his heart jolted. Xeno was so close now. Riftan urged Talon down the hill, sweat dripping down his temple as he urged further speed to reach the town faster.

I'm ready to come home, Maxi.


"I-I'm s-s-so-sorry..."

"Shush, you need to rest." Ruth sighed, rubbing his forehead with exhaustion as he gazed upon the lady with a pained expression. "I didn't exactly want to test out this actual product in that manner but at least, it worked. But I don't think you're still completely in the clear just yet. Afterall, you've been technically, partially dead for two days by now. It's not so easy."

"I-I know." Maxi sighed heavily, her eyes felt as did her body. It was difficult to even lift her arms or even move her legs. Everything was numb and stiff still but she was regaining sensation already but slowly. "I'm s-still s-so-sorry for s-scaring you..."

"Don't apologize. You did what you needed but why didn't you use your mana instead-"

"I-I d-did. But I was ex-exhausted and I-I haven't e-eaten in d-d-days," Maxi lowered her gaze, a tremor rocking through her as the past several days hit her hard. "Th-the werewolves were all...o-over and I-I thought just in c-case,"

"Dumb but brave." Ruth sighed heavily but smiled heavily. "The Lord will ecstatic."

Maxi flinched, her mind heavy like it was filled to the brim with cotton balls and soaked with water but while she had been in a state of unaware, she had heard Riftan...and the way he called her name in a different sense and her heart had ached and if she could've cried.

I'm so sorry Riftan, I...I didn't mean to hurt you, scare you-

"Well, it's not late but you really need to rest anyways." Ruth sighed, standing up. "The lord is still going to have a fit over your health and I'd like to be okay at least when he gets back. The priest will be here to keep an eye on you but I'll come check on you later." Maxi smiled weakly, unable to fight off his words and feeling sleep gratefully pull her back.

"O-okay, w-wake me up when R-Riftan gets back. I-I'm ready t-to go home."

"You and me both." Ruth muttered and left the room, closing the door softly as he smiled at the lady with relief. "I'm really glad you're not dead. It would've been lonely without you." Maxi felt her chest warm in happiness at his words and smiled brightly.

"I d-don't plan on l-leaving anytime s-soon. I love m-my home and family t-too much." Ruth left her and Maxi sighed, sinking into sleep as it easily pulled her under, shifting the blanket further up as a chill ran down her body and keep as warm as possible. She sighed deeply in comfort, soon she will home in her bedroom, in her bed, with the fireplace going, the cats roaming the room and Riftan holding her beneath the sheets as they slept to their hearts content. I can't wait to go home...


Home is so close.........

......I can see home, the food, the walls, the stables...our room....The library and the meadow and the lake....


Maxi gasped, eyes snapping open as her heart jolted painfully, instinct forcing her up and her eyes immediately jolted to the sneering figure standing at the door of her room, bloody knife in hand as he gave a frenzied smirk and Maxi felt her blood grow cold.

"You don't listen too well do you."

Maxi tried to sit up but her body was far too heavy and exhausted to comply as she tried to speak or yell but Rob shook his head, his eyes glaring daggers at her as he stood over her. "No, no milady. You're gonna be my ticket out of here. Otherwise, you'll really die this time."

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