7. Evil and Familiar

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I can't...breathe.

Everything was black at first but slowly, everything creeped through but she continued to remain underwater, unable to focus as the world seemed to shift and roll heavily around her.

It hurts so bad.

Please...stop...I...I can't breathe. It hurts so bad.

Lost in another plane that was dark with different shades of darkness all around. The air felt like nothing against her but a weight along her bare skin that felt cold and numb and yet, stung badly, like salt on a wound.

Her eyes drifted downwards, the ground blurring beneath her as though she was moving at great, rough speeds, moving over waves, she wanted to cry out but just the thought of expanding her lungs made her chest twinge painfully and her throat go raw. Her chest felt tight, crushed from one side and her head felt heavy as the blood was draining into her head, making her stomach churn horribly.

Then silence from the roaring thundering winds and stampeding feet. The world shifted, a harsh tug of her body and she tilted again in nothing before Maxi hit the ground hard from high above, her body shaking painfully as she clutched her arm and her lungs expanding for air desperately. Her stomach churned uncomfortably and her arm felt bruised and strained as it been knocked against a horses neck for god knows how long. But everything was doubled or tripled as the blood slowly seeped from head, the cold of the forest floor helping her cool down. A startled groan left her as she opened her eyes again, trying to focus on and settle everything even though her eyes ached badly.

The sound of whinnying and horses grunting from around her made her tense with a chill and the huff of men, the cackling laughter. A crack of twigs made her ears ache warily as every nerve in her body tightened and she used her elbows to hold herself up, despite the ache all over and despite the pain she wanted to succumb to, she refused to do so. A pair of thick, dirtied brown boots landed in front of her next to a large brown horses and she swallowed painfully.

I will not falter. I will be brave.

Her body sought to drop like a sack of potatoes on the ground but she raised her head, meeting the sinister eyes that sneered down at her as she forced her eyes upon him, refusing to show fear as she glared fearlessly at him but he was unclear in her eyes, doubled as the two figures swung together, slowly fading into one.

"Look at that fire in those eyes." The man chuckled down at me, leaning his hands on his knees as he bent over to watch me like a parent with a child. She tried not to falter when her vision could focus and she faced the man, the familiar sneering grin as his eyes glinted with evil intentions.


"How adorable you are."

How did he...? Rob Midahas! That Livadon lord who-

"Do you recognise me, Lady Calypse?" Maxi faltered, terrified to think of what has happened but she gritted her teeth, forcing herself to remain calm despite the panic creeping by over her and forcing out the words as strongly as she could. "Can I ask the charitable lady of Anatol to allow me within her fortress?" He sneered, jeers of laughter mocking her all around and her skin shuddered as she straightened up, forcing herself to glare at him without fear.

"R-release me. N-Now!" She tried to keep her tongue from shaking as she forced the words from her as strong as she could. Laughter rang around her again and he only grinned, his eyes glinting dangerously as he crouched down in front of her. A glint of steel in his hand made Maxi's skin shiver numbly but she forced herself to keep her eyes upon him, her body trembling slightly as the cold steel suddenly but ever so gently glided beneath her chin and he leaned in closer and whispered softly.

"I still can't understand a word you're saying." Maxi swallowed, feeling the tip of the dagger touch her throat ominously as he grinned wider. "But now, there is no one here who can speak for you now, my lady."

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