the dreamer: excerpt one

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The childhood glee of dreams gave birth to the seeds of hope. Such happiness is founded on the depths of an innocent desire to help heal the kids who have no one to lean on. Blissful colors envelope the child as he sways with the wind, the swing of which he plays upon rocking him softly. The thick air of laughter rang around the green grass and parched mulch that the park supplied. The child kicked his feet as he aimed to fly higher than the bar of the swing could possibly allow. And yet, his friends egged him on, even as he twisted on the plastic seat, looking at the growing distance between himself and the earth below. Then once gravity uses its forceful hands to pull the child into a backwards motion, the child squeals at the momentum. 

“Higher! Higher!” The children below him chanted. Such small bodies were not older than a tottering three year old. And yet their excitement festered until their presence seemed almighty. 

The small, swinging boy felt himself smile at the persisting presence of the group’s desire to see him touch the stars. So he pumped his legs to the rhythm of the children chanting his name, matching the wind as it swirled around his body, almost as if helping him as well. Even as more moments pass by, the children watching stare in awe. From their position below and off to the side, they swear they could see wings sprouting from their friend’s back. 

“Jump now!”

“Try to jump!”

“I bet you can’t do a flip!”

Bellowed the small children. They all knew of the thrill of jumping off the seat at the height of the swing as it moves forward and upward. A couple had even mastered flipping off a smaller swingset--their siblings showing them how to do so. 

And yet the freckled child just giggled from his spot. As he felt the feeling of the swing reaching its maximum elevation, he let the chains slip from his grasp as he slid off the seat. He didn’t know how to flip, but he swore he could feel his wings break free as he flew through the air. But alas, even the dream of flying must land at one point or another. 

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