persuing: mirio

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Mirio watched from above as people evacuated the building. His heart was pounding as the adrenaline and shock hadn’t worn off quite yet. He was sitting in a medical vehicle, legs hanging from the ledge he was sitting on. Eri was next to him, wrapped up in a blanket. She had refused to leave his side or take a nap. 

She kept attempting to go back inside and get someone named Zuku from the building, making herself sob to exhaustion when she was held back. It was hard listening to her wails for someone within the building. And Mirio felt he was of no help because his mind was still grieving over the loss of his mentor. He felt no optimism could overshadow the cavern of ache in his heart at the moment, so when Eri kept sniffling and mumbling about the unknown person trapped in the building, he pulled her close, letting her nuzzle into his side. 

For a while, neither of them spoke, yet both their eyes were watching the heroes retreat from the compound with villains in tow. Most people sported injuries of some kind, a couple people being forced onto stretchers or carried away. 

About twenty minutes after the signal was first sent out, the mass of heroes leaving the base dwindled. But Mirio could just barely hear the walkie-talkies and communication devices rattle off about more people underneath. He felt Eri stiffen beside him and began rubbing her arm to calm her down. 

Just as they were about to send someone to assess the building to see if it would be safe for rescue and clean-up heroes to enter, a large explosion sounded. Shocked gasps immediately became prominent as smoke poured from the base. Mirio and Eri sat, watching the building slowly begin collapsing in on itself. Renewed sobs echoed throughout the field, this time from not only Eri but from various people in the police forces and medical staff and heroes and civilians. 

Mirio blocked out the world, the noises, the despair and turned towards the little girl next to him, pulling her closer to his chest and rubbing her back for comfort. 

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