interlude: nighteye's plan

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Nighteye was losing blood, a gaping gash in his arm bleeding through his makeshift bandages. Nevertheless, he pressed on, valiantly fighting against Overhaul. He breathed in deeply, taking in the stale air that somehow still managed to exude the foul stench of iron and death. A shiver similar to spiders snaked up his ribs, making his chest tighten slightly. He recoiled from a blow to his abdomen only to immediately send a kick to his attacker, sending him skidding backwards. 

Nighteye quickly advanced, playing a chess game with his own quirk. He reenacted the one possibility of success over in his mind. He had to move the bishop perfectly to get rid of the opponent’s knight. His mind felt like a tornado of movement, of plans, of actions. But he had one possible endgame. Quickly, without allowing the attacker any more hits, he took care of the villain before him while also dodging the stray bullets headed his way. Some of the police were also doing their best to watch the backs of heroes. 

He felt the ground shake as a splinter of earth catapulted itself upwards. The spike nearly nicked the hero, and would have likely produced a killing blow if the man had not been prepared. He pressed his lips into a scowl before twisting his torso and jumping out of the way of yet another spike.

He made eye contact with the leader of the yakuza from a distance, noting the angry air about the man. Clearly, he was not used to failing at getting his way. 

But right now, he wasn’t the main problem that Nighteye was dealing with. He spared a glance at Mirio who was covering the frightened child with his cape, practically swaddling her. Her shaking form graciously nuzzled in, even as he brought her up to his chest. Nighteye looked slightly past the duo and took note of Khronos fumbling with a handgun. He dodged an oncoming attack from Overhaul before making a hand signal to a group of his coworkers, signaling them to begin their full-scale attacks on the Yakuza boss. He saw some of the police force catching on as well and amping up their long distance attacks. Nighteye felt a small grin take over his face, twitching the corners of his lips. Then he bolted. 

He watched as Khronos opened a case of bullet-like objects and began inserting them into the slide. But he was too slow. Nighteye was able to swiftly surprise the villain and kick the gun out of his hands just as he turned off the safety. 

Khronos retracted his hands, looking at the red skin from the kick. He held it to his chest before gazing up, in a look of shocked awe at the hero. Before the villain could think about grabbing the weapon or using his quirk, Nighteye knocked him out by hitting the pressure point behind his neck. The man crumpled. 

The hero breathed out slowly, closing his eyes. In his mind, he only had seen three futures where Eri was saved. But one would have resulted in Mirio’s death. Nighteye opened his eyes, making direct contact with his apprentice. The blonde teen stared at his mentor with wide eyes and an aching chest as he watched. Nighteye gave a smile, which only caused Mirio to go completely pale. The hero in training gripped Eri to his chest a little more, keeping her close and grounding himself at the same time. Realization dawned on him as he tried to break away from the grip Hawks had on his shoulder. 

Hawks, a unit relatively new to the case, was added for the one purpose of extracting both Mirio and Eri. He gripped the teen’s shoulder, Making sure he couldn’t get away. 

“Look away, kid.” He muttered, leaning into Mirio’s ear. “Kid,” He said more frantically. “You’re going to want to look away. We have to get you two to safety.” But Mirio was firmly in place. His legs were stock-still, as if cemented to the floor. 

Mirio stared at the mentor who reached out, contacted him and gave him hope in his darkest moments--giving him hope of being a hero. His couldn’t physically break his eyes from the subtle look of determination flashing across Nighteye’s face. 

Leave, Lemillion.” He mouthed, seconds before a sense of calm washed over and smoothed out his features. 

Mirio clenched the fabric of his cape in his fist, arms pulling Eri closer and shielding her. His brain was swirling, the world being swept from his feet in a grand moment. His breath caught in his throat. Vaguely he feels himself attempting to step forward and reach Sir Nighteye in an attempt to save him. To do something to change the outcome of the fight. Dread seeps from his pores, flickering through the teen ever more prominent as his struggles increase. Hawks and an officer begin to hold the distressed Mirio by his arms, forcing the teen from moving towards his mentor. 

If Lemillion yelled out anything, he couldn't hear it over the screeching sounds around him. His eyes blurred as a flicker was cast behind Nighteye. In the blink of an eye, peace flickered on the hero's face once more before he was impaled. A large spike sends  a cavern-like hole through his chest, leaving a gaping wound and mass amounts of blood seeping through his costume. 

Mirio felt a scream rip through his throat as he watched his mentor fall limp on the spike, blood gushing from his wound profusely. His legs were shaking and he nearly dropped Eri, but strong arms kept him up. In a rush, Hawkeye and the officer moved Mirio, evacuating the two kids. But Mirio stared wide-eyed at the fallen hero who had taken the teen in under his wings. Tears streamed down his face as the world faded in and out of his vision. 

But a hero’s sacrifice is worth more than meets the eye on a few occasions. For a man who bartered with time and flirted with the future, he had only seen two futures where both Mirio and Eri were saved. And in only one did he ever see Izuku Midoriya. 

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