news: the anonymous author

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Anonymous Author That Took The World by Storm Has Been Found!

The anonymous author whose most famous works include the Unfeasible Series has now been found and safely been relocated to a healthy environment. The local police station right on the edge of Musutafu District has spoken to the author--and both parties agreed to send in a public statement regarding the case.

As per request, the author asks to remain anonymous. The Policeman allowing the interview stated that the author was affected by a stray quirk that had hit them as a child. Following the accident, the author didn't feel any side effects nor did they know anything was happening. But by the time they reached four years old, their first book was published. But how can that be?

The answer is oddly simple. The quirk that accidentally hit them was a self-publishing quirk of which we do not know the specifics of. But the police states that the quirk reacted with the the author's strong emotions and began writing down their life and publishing it without their knowledge.

But many fans were concerned and confused with the last book's ending: The Death. In which, I will briefly explain. The author had been attempting to get a job at a local bookstore but stumbled upon one of their books. Feeling as if their whole life had been a lie, they began to feel sick with knowledge. A direct quote from the author's initial reaction to seeing the book confirms, "[seeing the book] was unsettling...I didn't know why my life aligned with it so well and it made me feel ill."

When asked further on where they had been the past year and if they were okay, the author spoke about not wanting their personal information out in the open. But within a series of events, someone was able to break down the quirk's effects on them and freed them from more invasive publishings in the future.

The author has requested that anyone who thinks they know them or does know them, that they remain silent and keep silent, allowing the author some peace to re-establish their life once more.

They went further to say that when they felt more comfortable, they might come out in the open to help spread awareness of bullying against quirkless kids as well as mental health for students. But in the meantime, they gave one more quote.

"Even though I never meant to be an author, I'm glad my books have helped spread awareness to the mental illnesses and emotions of all people, especially to kids who were treated unfairly. I all will be happy...know[ing] that I have been receiving help to allow me to feel human again. And for the people helping me and standing with me, I want to thank you all very much..."

This concludes the police release of the interview. For more information on the books published by their author, refer to page 32. For more statistics on the quirkless population, refer to page 2. And for more insider information about mind healers, their jobs and possible applications to sign up, visit page 17.

Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for next week's story:

Heroic's: The Decline In Citizen's Feeling Safe?

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