the case: public domain

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“Any news on people with self-publishing quirks in the area?” Aizawa asked, his gaze flitting between the front window of his car and the side mirror as he turned left. The heat was on in the car, warming up their cold bodies as snow softly fell from the sky. 

“No, none in Japan. There are five total though, two of which have died in the past thirty years. The three left are in different countries: New Zealand, Portugal, and Djibouti. I’ve been able to contact them but after discussing their quirks, they each sent me a copy of their publishing signature. Basically, their quirk signs the books in a stamp-like fashion on the side or back, showing that it was them who wrote it. They all also denied having any part of the Unfeasible series. In fact, only two of the three knew of it to begin with.” 

Aizawa nodded, not feeling like verbally responding to that question. Silence enveloped the duo. 

“I’m so glad the snow from last night melted before I had to go to work early this morning.” Tsukauchi stated, leaning back in his chair and cherishing how toasty the car had become. “I hate driving in the snow.” 

Not one for small talk, Aiawa ignored him. “What of the other two?”

Tsukauchi rolled his eyes, fingers beginning to tap on the console he rested his arm on. “One died of old age a little less than thirty years ago--he was located in Brazil, and the other died of a terminal illness in Canada.” 

“Any other leads about the author?” Aizawa pressed as he stopped at a redlight, the car grumbling in protest.

“No. But I had an idea, so I started searching up quirkless individuals in Japan between the ages of thirty and ten.” Tsukauchi was now looking out the window, watching as young adults and elderly walked between shops and houses and cars. Everyone was bundled up with coats and hats. “There are approximately forty. Only four of which are within a thirteen kilometer radius of UA, and two within six kilometers of my department.”

Aizawa’s mind was filled with statistics and possibilities. The world had always seemed too large, but right now, possibilities felt infinite. 

“Turn right at the next intersection.” Tsukauchi spoke up as the current light turned green. 

“Okay.” Aizawa whispered, his response only barely audible before he pressed on the gas.

Moments of smooth driving passed before the hero spoke up once more, voice oddly gravely. “How many quirkless have entered or are interested in high school in the next couple of years?” 

“I don’t know, let me pull up the database.” The detective asked, immediately pulling out his phone to log into the police search engine. In the midst of entering information pertaining to his search, he lowered his phone, eyebrows pressed into a thin line. “Why do you ask?” He looked up at Aizawa’s side profile as the man glanced around the buildings passing by. He looked less tired than usual and had gotten a decent amount of sleep in comparison to usual. It was an odd change, albeit a good one. Especially as the case takes flight and the media begins to start reporting on the worrisome anonymous author more and more. 

“I finished The Desire a few nights ago.” He said, trailing off as his thoughts spiraled. 


“The feeling of being sick and hoping for someone to save you was spot on, Really hit the nail on the head for that one. It made me think…”

Realization lit up in Tsukauchi’s eyes as he remembered his coworker’s disturbing past. “Crap, Aizawa, I’m sorry. I forgot about the--your past. If the case is too much, you can drop it, I don’t mind. I know how hard it wa--” 

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