the press: chisaki case

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For the next week, all that was talked about within Japan was the Chisaki case. With the death of Nighteye and Overhaul as well as the rescue of an unnamed child, the case made the news repeatedly as more press conferences were held on the topic. However, the heroes were in a time crunch, rescue heroes avoiding all reporters attempting to get a good story. Almost immediately reporters began flocking to the demolished Yakuza base, eventually getting themselves banned. The Hero Commission was immediately notified of their prodding and distraction and sent out a few of their own heroes to guard the base. 

The students of UA were in shock, having been unable to stay ignorant to the mission especially when their homeroom teacher had been absent. It didn’t help that all the media and news stations were airing stories and facts about the mission. 

In retaliation to the amount of UA staff being called in for fill-ins and patrols to make up for the rescue heroes going off schedule to help out, UA was temporarily on break. Students were still required to be on campus, but the school pressed mental health and coping mechanisms rather than a strict curriculum. 

“It is better for maintaining your mind, to start focusing on feeling strong and comfortable within yourself outside of hero work than inside. Don't find your main happiness through saving others or increasing in rank, but take note of what makes you a human outside of being a hero.” Midnight had dutifully told the class three days ago when filling in for Aizawa. It was oddly inspirational for some of the class, and a few took it to heart. Though they ignored the innuendos and winks sprinkled through the class period that day. 

By the third day, Bakugo was getting antsy, and left the dorms to go train. Kirishima followed him and Kaminari trailed along. By the middle of the week, Shoji and Uraraka had begun discussing bored games in an attempt to de-stress their minds, eventually entering a heated debate on how the correct way to play Uno was. Sero, Mina, and Tokoyami entered the discussion with their own methods, following up the conversation with real decks of cards. 

Mineta and Koda were often found binging movies in the common room, sometimes with Sato joining them. 

Jiro was able to drag Momo and, surprisingly, Iida into a workshop class, where the three attempted to learn carpentry from a new club UA had added into the curriculum. 

Ojiro, Hagakure and Aoyama found themselves attempting to cook. After a well-placed bet, the three of them decided to cook as many dishes as they could without getting caught by Sato. So far, they had made four desserts and one meal successfully. 

Finally Tsu was often found sleeping while Todoroki kept up with his studies. 

And even though the class had been attempting to find new ways to “express themselves” (in the words of Midnight), the feeling of the world seeming off felt unwavering. While keeping their bodies occupied with hobbies, their minds felt oddly restless. And even when the majority of the teachers returned to school and continued classes, the nagging feeling persisted. When days turned into weeks, which rolled over into a month, the class found themselves stuck in a restless daze. 

Because majority, if not all of the UA staff and teachers were back in the building, setting up classes.

But Aizawa wasn’t

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