the mission: a kid

645 33 11

Tsukauchi wanted to projectile vomit. 

The room was small, with no windows or visible doors besides the ones they had just entered through. Both the flooring and walls had the same large, white tiling while the ceiling was made of luminescent cream panels. There were minimal objects in the room which included a small, comfortable looking bed clad with a couple blankets and pillows. A small cabinet laid across the wall from the bed, its drawers closed and nothing on top. In the immediate right corner of the room there was a glass room with many syringes, tubes, and medical supplies which sent a shiver down the detective's spine. 

There was no splash of color on the walls or in the room at first glance. But he was able to notice in the far corner was a small pile of broken shards. Red, yellow, and blue were prominent, though he couldn’t make out what the item used to be. 

The all white room was not unclean, in fact it was nearly perfectly spotless despite the broken object in the corner that seemed oddly out of place. 

No, the feeling of despair and the thick smell of blood was throwing off the detective. 

But even moreso, it was the death-like gaze of a young teenager staring into his eyes with nothing less than an unseeing expression. The teen was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed, leaning against the footboard. His expressionless eyes weren't even regarding the duo, in fact Tsukauchi would believe the kid wasn’t truly seeing them. 

Aizawa’s breath hitched, clogging his throat. Tsukauchi refused to step forward, fear raking over his chest. 

The young teen simply looked through them and moved his arm so that his elbow was towards the floor, hand reaching out in their direction. Aizawa took note of the gauze around his wrist, clean and perfect but with a small smudge of blue and green poking out. As if a vein had been blown. Realization dawned on the man as he glanced back at the glass room and the syringes and vials inside. 

“His blood.” He whispered, voice thin and distant. 

Tsuakuchi glanced at the hero, then the glass room, and finally the waiting arm, splayed towards them as if waiting for the hero to stick him with a needle. Tsukauchi swallowed, fully taking in the boy’s appearance. 

The teen had gaunt cheeks and a thin frame. His body was definitely malnourished, though had an odd glow on his pasty skin. The unnatural paleness could be from blood loss or nutrient deficient but the glow could possibly be from a quirk--health replenisher? The kid had dark circles under his eyes and a frail looking facial structure. He seemed sickly yet almost so much so that he was an entity all besides himself. 

But the oddest part was his fluffy hair. Green and black strands of hair seemed rather healthy with thick volume, albeit cut short. It was odd seeing such a malnourished individual with  luscious locks. 

Before he thought of how he was going to approach the teen, Tsukauchi noticed Aizawa already stepping towards the dead-eyed kid.

He kneeled down in front of the teen a few feet away, creating a safe distance between the two. Aizawa felt an odd feeling of connection between himself and the kid, causing him to feel at ease. Afterall, he had been trapped in a place much like this one growing up. 

In a deep, but soft voice he began cautiously talking to the teen, hoping to get the teen to vaguely understand what was going on. But in the back of his mind, a timer is flicking through his head, setting his nerves on edge. They needed to wrap up this mission and take the kid out of the base. As fast as possible. “My name is Shota Aizawa. He,” The hero motioned to his counterpart, “is Detective Tsukauchi.” Blank eyes stared into Aizawa’s, not even blinking. “He and I are a part of the heroics unit sent to come here and help people who are…” He trailed off, acutely aware of his dancing around his words so as to not accidentally trigger the kid. He had no idea what the green-haired teen had been through, but he would dwell on that later when they were in a safe place. “...hurt.” Not noticing the slight thaw in expression, Aizawa continued. “My friend are upstairs trying to provide us with a safe way to--”

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