side case: imaginary

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It was Tuesday, and Bakugo was fuming. He looked at the desk behind him, annoyed. 

Deku wasn't there again, and neither was Aizawa. He thought, turning his angry gaze to the dumb substitute teacher. No one had heard hair-nor-hide of the pro hero. And the last student to have seen the man was Bakugo, who would never admit that aloud. He was still upset and confused as to what was happening. Why did no one remember anything about Izuku? Heck, even his self-proclaimed friends didn’t remember anything about him. Bakugo was about to lose his mind. He glanced around the room. 

Pinky and Dunce were whispering to one another, sometimes being interrupted by Floaty who would randomly decide to pitch in. 

A little ways away, Jiro and Shoji were speaking about the assignment offhandedly. And from behind him, Bakugo could hear Mineta attempting to prod Momo. 

Izuku hasn’t been here for almost a month, and they aren’t concerned? He thought, a furious tone enveloping him. He could feel his worry cracking the facade he so angrily put up. Just at the start of UA, Izuku and him had made up, they had gotten along. They had decided to put aside their differences after multiple apologies and decided to be heroes. They trained together almost daily for god's sake! Izuku always raised his hand to be called on. Izuku was always making new friends, he talked to everyone in the class! Even Koda who was mute!

Bakugo could feel himself gritting his teeth, heat burning through his cheeks and up his throat. Pops sounded off of his hands, quirk activating at random. Heads turned in his direction, and even the substitute extra sent him a curious look. Bakugo felt their eyes and it only fueled his anger. After everything he’d done, after every sin he’d committed and after every punch he’d thrown, he felt as weak as could be. After every strength exercise, training regime, partner battles… At the end of the day, only Deku could read his moods, inner monologues and thoughts. And even though he felt an impending sense of guilt every time he looked in Midoriya’s direction, he somehow knew he had been forgiven. And yet it didn’t feel so. He felt as if his emotions were running around endlessly on a broken record. 

No matter what he said or thought or did, made him feel any better than the douche bully he was in Aldera Junior HIgh. And even though Deku was always with him, he felt like a stranger in the greenette’s company. He felt as if he was gripping at straws when trying to fix the friendship. And yet…an unsettling feeling grew at the base of his skull.

Something wasn’t right. A doubt whispered sweetly into his ear. Bakugo felt his brows furrow. 

Why did he feel as if he was always grabbing at straws when with Midoriya?

A memory of Midoriya raising his hand in class surfaced in Bakugo’s mind. The teen was so excited to answer, he was leaning so far over his desk that he was one movement away from falling off. And yet…Bakugo scowled as he thought harder, attempting to recognize every little detail of the scene. Midoriya’s smile grew wider as Aizawa looked around the room, freckles flashing as he turned his head, waving his arm higher, more frantically. 

“No one?” Aizawa parroted, gaze sweeping back over everyone one more time. 

Bakugo remembered questioning why Aizawa didn’t call on the hyperactive answer holder. Bakugo turned back to the green-haired teen. He looked back at the teen who, after noticing that he was not going to get called on, sat back down, hand lowered. He made eye contact with Bakugou, smiling brightly. But something was off. Something

The blonde began analyzing the scene with increased vigor. He looked at the face of someone he’s known since childhood, noticing nothing different. His eyes trail down, noting the uniform being perfectly buttoned up, the black folds rippling across the body, folding into wrinkles

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