The Heartbreak assassin part 1.5

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We just learn to forget everything I say. Also I will probably write heartbreak assassin part 2 in the new year (2023) and take this as sort of a vent/stress reliever post. I don't relate to anything that I've written in the one shot I was just in a shitty mood so I expressed it by writing angst.. for some reason writing angst makes me feel better?? For some weird reason. So without further ado take this 1000+ word oneshot as I literally wrote this in one day (4-5 hours??) also thank you so much for 4 votes on my stories! I am truly grateful and for people who are following! I have two followers 🤩🤩 






That was Lloyds schedule for so long after Kaiya was arrested. But how was he the night she was arrested?


Lloyd arrived home shortly after Kaiya was placed under custody by the police he couldn't look anyone in the eye. He avoided everyone who tried to talk to him. The only people who made an effort to talk to him was his friends. The ninjas. All they said was for him to keep his head high to not allow one sit back to ruin his life. What if that one 'sit back' made his life normal? What IF that person made him complete, made him feel more like Lloyd and less like the Green ninja. WHAT if Kaiya made Lloyd feel loved, made him feel less like a monster less like his father, less like his mother who abandoned him when he was a child. WHAT IF Kaiya was the only girl who truly loved him for him. WHAT IF HE SAW A FUTURE WITH THE GIRL NOW IN CUSTODY? The sound of worried voices filled the room voices saying things such as 'bud are you okay?', 'breathe Lloyd' and other comforting words. At first Lloyd couldn't comprehend why they were surrounding him until he lifted his hand up to his face when he moved it back down. It was wet, he was crying. His thoughts flooding his senses his lungs were almost betraying him and if he didn't know any better then he would have thought that he was dying. Soon Lloyd shot up from his seat and sped walk back to his room, almost running to get away from everyone.

He reached his room and shut the door behind him sliding his back down the door onto the floor sitting in an upright position, attempting to control his breathing which utterly failed. Lloyd then covered his face with his hands trying to stop crying, when that failed he lifted them back down and shut his eyes tight. He opened them looking straight ahead. He wished he kept them shut. Because when he opened them there on his desk sat the ying, Yang medallion next to a picture of him and Kaiya, smiling and looking lovingly at one another. He now hates that picture. He now hates anything associated towards Kaiya. Lloyd stood up suddenly being overtaken by anger, the ninjas heard him as the moment he stood there was a loud crashing sound. The sound of Lloyd bashing his hand into the wooden ground hard, harder then hard. Soon all the ninjas were outside his door trying to open it, trying to get to Lloyd all their attempts were futile. Lloyd stepped towards his desk with a motive. There was already a crumpled piece of paper laying on the desk, he picked it up a discarded it in the bin. It had no worth to him now. Then he picked up the medallion he looked at it from the front, side and the back staring at the pointless item in his hand. He knew he couldn't break it, as he tried it the night he knew Kaiya was the heartbreak assassin instead he placed it in the bin alongside the paper. Finally it was only the photo left. The photo that has sat at his desk ever since he and Kaiya started dating, the photo he used to love admiring while working making him lose his train of thought. Now it's a photo full of hatred, real hatred? Or shame. Shame that he never saw the twist coming. Shame that he wished he could turn back the time and never tell anyone Kaiya was the Heartbreak assassin. Shame that he knows he would undeniably keep Kaiya's secret from the world and allow it to eat him up from the inside. Yet he also feels guilty? Was guilt the way he was feeling, sadness, loneliness? Lloyd picked up the photo and turned it backwards, unclipping the back and pulling the photo out of it then he places the frame back onto the desk only having the photo in his hand. Lloyd was about to drop it into the bin until he stops himself.

"Lloydie! Pay attention to the movie." Kaiya laughed while elbowing Lloyd at the side. Lloyd laughs alongside her

"But your so pretty!~" he coos soon Kaiya tackles him

"You picked this movie." She laughed while sat on top of him "enjoy and watch the film."

"I've already seen this film so many times though." Lloyd replied grinning, Kaiya looked at him with a confused face

"Honey, if you've watched this before then why did you suggest watching this?" Kaiya questions

"Because I wanted an excuse to look at you." He replied smiling, sitting himself up to peck Kaiya on the lips.


Mistako enters the room a bright smile on her face "look at my favourite couple." Lloyd and Kaiya both laughed as they sat back to normal, Lloyd placing an arm over Kaiya's shoulder. Mistako came up with an idea.

"Don't move a muscle." She said strictly and dashed out of the room returning a minute later with a camera

"Say love birds." She announced. Lloyd and Kaiya looked at each other "I want to take a photo to commemorate this. So say Lovebirds."

They smiled and looked at the camera

"Love birds."

And click

Lloyd was still looking at the photo. He was about to place the photo back down on the desk until his thoughts betrayed him. Did Kaiya really love him? Was Kaiya using him for her murder sprees? Was there love at first but soon it became bitter love for Kaiya?

"Fuck off." Lloyd muttered to himself it being barely above a whisper.

How long had Kaiya played him? Has Kaiya ever slept with one of her victims? How did Lloyd never notice the signs?

"Fuck off." Lloyd says again louder this time, causing the ninjas to knock on the door again loudly.

"Lloyd, buddy what is going on in there." Cole cried out from behind the door.

Was Kaiya like Harumi? Did Kaiya enjoy hurting him? Enjoy humiliating him? Manipulating him?

Lloyd picked the photo back up again stating coldly at it. Without even thinking he then rips the photo apart and crumples it together. He looks down at the ruined photo in his hand before screaming


Lloyd then throws the photo across his room. The photo landing on the floor next to his window and Lloyd slumping onto the floor in the tears. In the same position he was in when he was by the door. His breathing becomes heavy. The ninjas break the door and come running into the room.

"Lloyd! Are you okay!" Nya asks worryingly she glances from Lloyd to the paper that is now on the floor. She walks over to it to pick it up, then she opens it revealing the photo of Lloyd and Kaiya. With Lloyds arm wrapped around Kaiya's shoulder and then both looking lovingly at one another.

"Oh Lloyd." She then whispers and goes back to Lloyd crouching infront of him and bringing him in for a hug. Lloyd accepts the hug and begins loudly sobbing into her shoulder. Everyone leaves to give them peace and quiet apart from Kai who sits next to them.

Soon it's Kai, Nya and Lloyd in the room. The lonely room with the torn up paper in the bin, the Ying, Yang medallion next to the paper and the photo. The ruined photo of a once loving relationship turned into one of guilt, shame and anger. 


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