Heartbreak Assassin [𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞]

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"Ninjago police what's your emergency?"

Heavy breathing can be heard from the other line, the male police officer raised his eyebrow.


This time the person answered "I-I". The person began to sob loudly into the phone, the voice seemed to be female.

"Ma'am are you okay?" The police officer asked sympathetically "whats happened."

"I-I f-found a d-dead b-bo-ody." The women whispered into the line.

The male police officer immediately straightened up, his eyes going wide in shock. "What's your current location." He says determinedly

"2712 Borg street, in the alleyway." The women spoke seemingly calmed down slightly.

"Police officers are on the way."

And with that the women hung up the phone. The male officer stood up immediately and walked straight to the commissioners office.


The small boat he was painting went crashing to the floor "my boat! Not again Ugh this better be important." The commissioner demanded

"A dead body has just been reported" The officer replied, the commissioner went quiet no sound left his mouth.

"Call the Ninjas." He commanded "This is something we can't tackle on our own anymore."


"Fuckin hell-" Jay screamed as he looked down at the dead body being carried by a stretcher to the ambulance. "That didn't even look like a person." Nya elbowed him in the rib cage.

"Don't say that out-loud Jay!" Nya scolded.

"What or who happened to them?" Kai asked the commissioner, the rest of the ninja force crowding around Kai to hear about what had just occurred.

"A women found a dead body around half an hour ago, don't know how long they've been dead for and the killer has never been identified." The commissioner replied

"You said never been identified, you have a suspicion on who caused this." Cole questions inching closer to him.

"Yes, there is no doubt that they were murdered by the heartbreak assassin." The commissioner spoke uncomfortably.

"The heartbreak who?" Lloyd says confusedly

"There is nothing about the heartbreak assassin in my database." Zane added

"That's because the heartbreak assassin has never been caught, never been seen and only in the past six months has become an issue." The commissioner enlightened

"And why weren't we involved in this?" Cole asked clearly angry about the fact the ninjas had no idea about the assassin or about the danger Ninjago citizens were in.

"At first they weren't a big deal. we thought they were a vigilante, until news on the dead body's found began to increase rapidly. Do you know what the number is now?" He questions, the ninjas became intrigued yet uneasy about the sudden change in his demeanour. "Thirty five, thirty five dead bodies have been reported."

"They must have a taste for blood." Jay gulped "Why are they called the heartbreak assassin."

"Because of the trail of broken hearts they leave behind them from murdering a loved one in a family."

"That's dark." Kai whispered

"Commissioner." Lloyd spoke confidently "are there any suspects?"

"No, the only person who may know a little about the murder is the women who called. However she is currently being held by police for interrogation." The commissioner replied.

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