Chapter 6 ⚠️

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⚠️contains smut⚠️

My noises at this point seemed to draw the attention of every knight in the room, there heads all turning to face the interaction. "Look how easily I gained her obedience, brothers. She'll do just fine as a pet." The man chuckled, clearly amused by how easily he was able to get me to crave to his touches. My face heated up of embarrassment.

I felt my mouth be pried open by a hard grip on my face, the feeling of fingers digging into my cheeks making me cry out softly at the roughness of his actions. Two gloves fingers then pushed there way past my lips, the material feeling strange and foreign against my tongue. "Suck, pet. Show my brothers what a obedient girl you are."

I obeyed, closing my mouth around his fingers scared that if I didn't I'd surly be punished in some way, maybe even killed. Tempting, but the way I assumed they would kill me I had no interest in, more hoping for a quick painless end. I felt spit drip down my chin from beneath the man's large fingers, the wetness gathering against his glove.

He pulled his fingers from my mouth, a string of saliva running from my lips to his hand. He gave a satisfied hum, moving his hand so that it was situated between my legs, I gripped the man's forearm, bracing myself for what I knew was coming next. I felt his fingers hook around my underwear, pulling them to the side, a single finger making it's way teasingly through my soaking folds, warm from it's time spent in my mouth.

Despite how hard I tried to keep myself silent, I failed. Whimpers and moans pouring from my mouth with every movement of the knights fingers. "Selfish of you to keep her all to yourself brother." The knight I deemed must have been Vicrul chimed from his spot on the couch, standing and stalking his way over to us. Kylo had told me all of there names, now it was up to me to match names with masks and hope to god I'm right.

I felt myself be pulled from my position on the knights lap, my knees meeting the cold black flooring as I was set onto the ground. "You must submit pet. Submit and I'll allow my brothers to pleasure you." Vicrul commanded, his grip hard on my chin as he forced me to look up at him. I cringed at the thought of pledging myself to them, to being submissive to any one of these murderous men even for a second, but what choice did I really have at this point.

I opened my mouth as if to speak but quickly closed it, not knowing what to say, not know what the knight desired from me. The feeling of his thumb grazing over the skin of my bottom lip made me shiver, making me feel small and helpless beneath him. "Come now pet, I know your capable of being compliant." He cooed, his gentle touches making it so hard to refuse him.

I clenched my jaw, no matter how much I wanted to I knew it was wrong. I knew that if I did comply, if I did submit, that I was giving up the last oz of free will I felt I had left. I shook my head in his grip, hot tears of embarrassment and shame rushing there way down my cheeks. "I will never submit myself to you. To any of you." I spat. Before I knew it I felt a hard slap make contact with the side of my face, the sheer force of the action knocking me to the floor where I laid helplessly on my side, my head spinning from impact as soft sobs escaping my chest.

Vicrul squatted next to me, leaning down so that all I could see was his terrifying mask. "I'm a patient man pet, so I'll give you another chance." He spoke, stroking the back of his hand over where he had just assaulted me. "Please, don't make me" I begged, clutching my arms to my chest. The man shook his head, clearly disappointed by my defiance.

"I don't care if it takes all night. You will submit before you leave this room, or I will tie you up and let you sit here on display until your ready to be a good girl. Am I clear, pet?" The thought of being tied up, completely defenseless against them terrified me. At least if I submitted they might be more understanding, more willing to allow me the simple luxury of staying unbound.

A desperate whine escaped me as I pulled myself back to sitting on my knees, watching as the large man stood, waiting. My hands found there way to the fabric of his robes, god how pathetic I must have looked that way. "I'm sorry. I submit. I'll do anything you ask of me, just please don't hurt me." My chest hiccuped as I spoke, the desperation clear in my voice.

I had never been treated this way before. I grew up royalty, everyone around me doing anything they could to please me, to get me to to like them, but those days where over. Now I was to be the one begging for acceptance. If my father could see me now he'd surely be disgusted. "My good little pet, just needed a bit of encouragement." He chuckled.

He grabbed me off the ground, lifting me with ease and dropping me a bit to roughly onto the couch, the grey material beneath me soft and welcoming thankfully. His hand made its way to my throat, guiding me to lean back against the sofa, gently spreading my legs as he motioned for his fellow knights to gather around. I covered my tear stained face with my hands, wishing more then anything that I could sink into the sofa and disappear away from there intimidating gazes.

Two large hands slid there way up my thighs, leather claud fingers hooking themselves into the waistband of my underwear before the garment was forcefully pulled down my legs and discarded. The cold air of the room hit  my exposed core like a slap, the feeling making me gasp.

There was a long pause, the only sound in the room the loud breathing of each of the knights as they stared down at me, lust and power radiating off of them in waves. "Completely untouched, brothers. We must be gentle with the poor thing, she's never felt these kinds of feelings before. Pure little princess. We must thank Master Ren graciously for such a generous gift."

I felt a long finger dip it's way into my center, something I had never experienced before, my nails digging harshly into the couch. "Are you sensitive here?" he chuckled, slowly pumping his digit in and out. I shook my head, not wanting him to have the satisfaction of knowing what his touch did to me.

A whine exited my mouth as he pulled away, even with how hard I tried to keep it inside. Despite how wrong it felt I couldn't deny how much I had been enjoying it. I disgust myself. "Or here perhaps" the man continued, his thumb rubbing careful circles against my clit. My hips bucked, my body seeking more, begging for him.

"Look at you, pet. I've only just started using you and your already shaking." He wasn't wrong, my thighs quivered with every movement of his hand. A warmth gathered in my stomach, what the feeling was i was unsure but it made me feel dirty. I forced my legs back together, trying to control my movements as to not be punished for defiance, but the knot of pleasure growing inside of me threatened to snap.

"Already about to come for your Master. Don't be shy, pet. Show your knights what a good girl you can be, cum for me." He ordered, speeding up his movements. I bit harshly into my lip, clenching eyes shut as the pleasure ripped its way through my body. My cunt pulsed intoxicatingly, warm wetness dripping it's way down my core and onto the couch.

It felt so good, to good, overwhelmingly good to the point where it forced tears to pour from my eyes once again. "Don't cry little princess. Such a pretty mess you've made for us." The knight I believed to be Trudgen spoke, his huge fingers making there way between my legs, collecting the sticky mess and bringing it back up to my lips, silently encouraging me to clean it for him.

I complied, my brain feeling fuzzy, my vision blurring from how tired I had become as I tasted myself. "It seems we've tired our companion out, brothers. Let us leave her to recover so that she may be ready to be just as obedient for us tomorrow." With that my eyelids fell shut, the feeling of one of the large men moving me to a more comfortable position on the couch being the last thing I felt before my mind drifted off into the sweet abyss of sleep.

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