Chapter 8

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As we arrived at our destination, I did my best to stay close to the knights, not that I could get far with this chain around my neck but the more I struggled to keep up the more the lead dragged me. I was thankful that they choose to enter the club like establishment through what seemed to be the back door, not wanting people to see me in this state, being toted around like a puppy.

I paused, my eyes locked on an alien creature with bluish skin who had decided it was a smart idea to argue with the bouncer. "Come, pet." Cardo growled, yanking me towards him with the leash causing me to almost fall forward. I coughed at his rough movements, the chain choking me a bit before I scurried to get up, not wanting it to happen again.

We made our way to a set of stairs and started upwards. It felt like we were walking for eternity before we finally made it to a privet area, containing a table perched on a balcony with a view of the entire building. The knights began to sit when I took notice that there were only 7 chairs. Frowning I stood at the end of the table, awaiting instructions on what i was to be doing. "Sit" Cardo demanded, pulling me towards the ground with my chain around his large fist. I scrunched my face in protest, already feeling degraded by the leash. Even without being able to see his face I could tell Cardo was growing impatient.

"Sit or I will make you sit." he spoke, the robotic tinge to his voice making me shiver. I took a step closer to him, my face changing from anger to sadness. "Please, I don't want to."  I pouted, shaking my head in protest. "I don't care what you want" he growled, his hand grabbing my wrist and yanking me towards him, even sitting he was intimidating. "You will obey me, do you understand, pet?" He questioned, his grip around my arm becoming tighter and tighter. I whimpered at the harsh contact before ultimately deciding that a punishment wasn't worth it.

Defeated, I sank to my knees, looking shamefully down at the floor as the knights all stared at me. Cardo pulled the leash again, guiding me to sit between his legs beneath the table. I was sure at this point I must have been bright red from embarrassment.

I followed direction, resting my four head against the seating that was exposed between his large legs. Thankfully under here they couldn't see me cry, they could probably hear it, but at least they didn't get the satisfaction of looking upon my face as I sobbed. God, and to think I used to be royalty, now I am forced to sit on the floor like a common house pet.

"Quiet" Cardo hissed, clearly annoyed with my emotional outburst, but I couldn't, the tears wouldn't stop falling. "If you don't stop, I'll give you something to cry about." He growled beneath his mask, the sound terrifyingly loud. I quickly turned and crawled my way away from him
clinging to Trudgen's leg on the opposite side of the table. I was afraid that Cardo might just yank me back out of anger but surprisingly he dropped the chain, a sure indication that he was done dealing with my temper tantrum and didn't want to cause a scene.

I grabbed the metal quickly and set it gently in Trudgen's lap, looking up into his masked face with tear stained cheeks. He picked it up with a nod gripping it in his massive hand. I nuzzled my face against his thigh, I didn't want to let go, I'd much rather be at his feet then Cardos, especially here. His free hand came down and rested gently against my head, his thumb moving slowly in circles as if to pet me to let me know I was okay. Despite the embarrassment I felt of being on the floor with a restraint around my neck, I leaned into his hand pushing myself even closer to him between his legs.

"I don't see the target. How are we to know that he will even show up here?" Ap'lek said from across the table sounding agitated. "He will come. There is something here he wants desperately" kylo replied, his gaze unwavering from the scene unfolding on the floor below. Intrigued by the ruckus of the club below us I reach out, grabbing onto the balcony's railing and peering down into the crowd.

Trudgen gave my leash a bit of slack to allow my movements, something the other knights surely wouldn't have done. People drunkenly dancing against the lit up flooring, men gambling at tables, patrons lined up at the bar asking for another drink. It was all so chaotic, I'd be surprised if they could spot there target in this mess at all.

"Come, princess." Kylo called, motioning to me. I was hesitant but did as told, knowing his foot was right beside me and he could easily kick me in the head if I didn't listen to him. Trudgen released me and nodded towards the supreme leader encouragingly. I handed him the chain, already bracing myself as I moved closer. Instead of guiding me between his legs he pulled me to my feet. I dusted myself off a bit, and looked for further direction.

Suddenly he pulled me closer, his large gloves hand coming up to meet my neck as he unlocked my collar. I stared at him, confused to say the least. He pulled my hand to himself and dropped a fistful of credits into my palm. "Go down the stairs and order something, anything, whatever you'd like. But do not try to run, or I'll have to kill you. And I wouldn't want to do that now would I princess." He said, patting me hard on my head before he turned away. I stood there for a moment longer, waiting to see if this was some sort of test of not but he seemed to be completely serious.

Hesitantly I walked down the steps, gripping harshly onto the railing as I went. This place made me nervous, I had never been anywhere like it before, not that that was any surprise. As I made it to the crowded floor, I stopped nervously, rubbing my hands against my now bruised neck.

Taking a deep breath I started to make my way over to the bar, pushing past creatures I had never seen before, if I was being honest before I was taken I had never actually left my home plant, so one could see why all of this might be a bit of a shock. I let out a shrill screech as I felt something slimy meet my back, turning around to be face to face with a hutt. I had never actually seen one before in real life. Only read about them in my lessons.

Without hesitation I ran, ducking between people on the illuminated dance floor to get away from the thing. God why was Ren making me do this. I looked up at the balcony from which I had come and was confused when I saw not a single knight. Panic started to take over when I realized they were no longer watching me, leaving me completely defenseless if something where to happen to me.

The sound of a man's voice came from behind me, the feeling of a callused hand rubbing against my bare shoulder. "Princess-" He spoke, the feeling of his breath against my ear making me shiver. Suddenly I felt something sharp meet my neck. "So glad to see you've finally arrived."

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