Chapter 14

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I cringed as I looked over my shoulder into the mirror, examining the damage done by Vicruls hand. It had been days since my spanking and the marks had yet to fade from my skin. Maybe I didn't hate them all, but at the moment I did hate him. "It will heal in time, princess." Kuruk spoke, setting his hands against my waist as he turned me around, pulling my bare back against his chest as he admired me in the reflection.

"You can't be angry forever, little one." He continued. I sighed in annoyance at his comment, pulling away from him and grabbing my dress from off the counter, yanking it into place on my body. "I will stay angry as long as I see fit." I huffed, earning myself a warning glance from the man as he helped me fasten the back of my clothing. "Well be mad if you wish to be but we must go to the bridge. The others have brought you something back from there mission." I rolled my eyes, hoping he didn't see. They think that bringing me gifts will make me more forgiving? How ridiculous.

I crossed my arms tightly over my chest as we made our way through the base, Kuruks hand resting against the small of my back as he guided me to our desired destination. The sea of workers, generals, and technicians scatters to make way for us as we headed towards the night buzzard, looking up into the craft as Vicrul and Usher made there way down the ramp.

"How are you, my Princess" Vicrul greeted me, I didn't reply, simply stood there and stared at him, distain clear on my face. He sighed. "I know you are angry, I was much to harsh with you." His fingers met my face, the back of his hand petting my cheekbone as I flinched, almost expecting a slap. "I've brought you a gift." As he stepped back from me, I noticed Ap'Lek coming down the ships ramp, an animal at his side, an animal I would recognize anywhere in the galaxy. A giant beast of black and white fur, standing tall enough to reach the knights chest.

"Cerulean!" I shriek, running towards the both of them, grabbing hold of the giant dog, my hands gripping his fur as if he might disappear the second I let go. I thought he was dead, I was sure of it, but here he stood, alive as ever. I buried my face in his neck, sobbing hysterically. I didn't care how ridiculous I must have looked, not a single bit. Words kept falling from my trembling lips, things I could barley make out myself. "Your alive. Cerulean. Good boy, good boy. Your alive, boy." I wept. Once I had calmed myself enough to take a breath I pulled away from him, face messy and tear stained but adorning a smile non the less.

"We tried using him as a war dog, but he won't listen to anyone who's not of Rhymnas royal bloodline." Ap'Lek spoke, even after the disaster he was still a loyal boy, my Cerulean. He tilted his head down, giving me a good sniff, clearly recognizing me as his tail began to wag like crazy. I turned back to my knights, sheepishly wiping my face. "Thank you." I spoke quietly, not wanting to be to over the top with my gratitude seeing as they were the ones who separated us in the first place.

"Your satisfied with your gift I presume, yes princess?" Vicrul questioned, hand patting me on the top of my head affectionately. "Yes" I replied, still more preoccupied with examining cerulean then actually paying attention to any of them. "Well come along. They've work to do on the ship." He replied, making it clear that that was his apology and he would be saying nothing more about the matter.

I grabbed hold of his leash, happily trotting along behind the man with the canine at my side. For a moment it almost felt like this was all bearable. Now I wasn't alone, now I had a familiar face to look at wherever I though of my family, of my planet.  I gazed down at cerulean fondly, taking in this feeling, the best I had felt since arriving on this planet.

The feeling of peace.

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