Chapter 15 ⚠️

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⚠️contains smut⚠️

I sat against the floor, laying contently on cerulean as I stroked him softly. I had laid out one of my blankets for him on the ground, wanting him to be comfortable and happy, even if we were stuck here. I giggled as he playfully pushed his face against my side, his cold nose touching my exposed skin through the cut out in my dress.

We had many dogs at the palace back on Rhymna, but Cerulean had always been my favorite. He would follow me wherever I went, standing tall at my side, my fierce protector. He even slept that foot of my bed every night. When I thought he had died it broke my heart into a million tiny pieces, but now that he was here I could begin to heal. My heart would never be whole again, the ache from my planets destruction still plaguing me each and every day, but atleast Cerulean made it hurt less.

The sound of my knights entering the common room caught my attention, my head turning to watch as they came in one by one. "Come, princess. It's playtime." Ap'lek spoke, motioning to me with 2 large fingers. Sighing, I slowly crept my way to him, giving Cerulean the command to lay down and stay put, gasping as the man yanked me closer. He chuckled at my reaction before pushing me down against the couch, standing so that he was towering over me.

"Now princess we've given you time, we've been patient. I think it's time for us to fully claim you." He continued. I gulped at his words, I knew they'd eventually take what they wanted but I was scared. I had never done those things before, what if it hurt? What if I was terrible at it? What if they were to rough? If I hated it would they stop?

"Calm your thoughts, Princess." Vicrul scolded, moving closer, catching my jaw in his grip. "We will go slowly, we wouldn't want to hurt our little princess would we brothers?" He questioned his fellow knights, earning himself a corus of 'nos' and 'of course nots' from the other men. "But you'll have to be a good girl, little one. You'll have to listen to our commands and be obedient, lest you wish for another spanking?" I quickly shook my head, cowering against the couch in terror.

"We want to hear you say it, princess." Trudgen encouraged, nodded towards me as he awaited to hear the words fall from my lips. My face heated once again, embarrassment blooming in my chest at the thought of saying such things in front of them. Trudgen's booming footsteps approached, his form coming to stand in front of me along with the others.

"Tell me, little one. Tell me what a good girl your going to be for me and my brothers." He cooed, letting his hands run there way up my thighs, the feeling of his fingers on me making my head spin. I blinked up at him with wide eyes, having a hard time denying him. He was always so good to me, and god the things he could do with his tongue.

"I'll be a good girl, Master Trudgen. I'll be an obedient girl for you all." That seemed to be all they needed, all the huge men gathering around me as they began. I was pulled to stand, lots of large hands touching me as my dress was undone, the fabric falling away and being tossed, leaving me in only a pair of underwear. I was used to being exposed to them at this point so I didn't much mind.

"On your hands and knees little princess." Cardo commanded, manhandling me into position when he deemed I wasn't going fast enough, his movements stern but never to rough. "So pretty. Such a pretty girl." Ushar  groaned, the sight of me there at there will clearly doing something to him. I took in a hard breath as I felt the someone's fingers run across my clothed core, the fabric now adorning a sizable wet spot, sticky with my arousal.

"Already soaked and we haven't even begun." Cardo chuckled, making me bury my face against the couch to hide my blushing. I felt fingers hook through the waistband as the fabric was pulled down my thighs. "Messy little princess." Kuruk chimed as his finger found its way between my glistening folds, pushing into me slowly. A moan escaped my lips that I couldn't stop despite my efforts to silence it.

I could feel many hands find there way to my body, some to my chest, groping me sensually, others pushing my legs further apart. One came down against my head, petting me softly as I took in the feeling of all there touch's. It was almost overwhelming, but I dared not protest, knowing they'd be much more gentle with me if I only cooperated.

"Now princess, being the understanding men we are we though it only right to allow you to choose. Who do you wish to be the first to claim you?" Somehow Vicruls words were a weight off my back, having a choice at least made me feel human. I closed my eyes to clear the haze, trying to think of who I wanted to be the first, who was the gentlest, who would stop if I asked them to.

"Master Trudgen." I breathed, knowing he would take his time, he would not hurt me. A satisfied smirk crept its way across his face, clearly feeling some pride that I had chosen him over the others. "You wish is my command." Grabbing hold of my waist he flipped me, my back arching off the fabric of the sofa as I stared up at him, wide eyed, still scared of what was to come.

"Don't worry, my princess. Soon you will forget you were ever afraid." With that he bit down into my neck, leaving a trail of bite marks and bruises in his wake as he trailed down my body. Not to hard but just enough to make me whimper beneath him. He stopped at my core, I could feel his hot breath against my sensitive skin, making me squirm in anticipation. I felt so strange with all of them watching, some stroking themself slowly as they watched the scene before them.

Trudgen's tongue plunged its way between my folds, just as it had before on the ship. He was a god in that way, knowing how to use his mouth in such unholy ways. I bit harshly into my lip, groaning at the feeling I had so missed. His quick movements made my body jerk, his tongue making its way over my clit over and over until my eyes rolled back in my head. I whined lowly as he pulled away, knowing that was only a warm up.

Thinking to myself, I built up the courage to speak. "I know it's my first time, but can I please be on top?" I asked sheepishly, my face bright red from embarrassment as the words left my lips. If I was on top, I would feel in control of the situation, though I knew I wasn't. The false sense of security was enough for me at this point.

"What a good little pet she's become, yes brothers?" Trudgen chucked, turning to his fellow knights with a grin. "Of course you can, princess." He stood, undressing himself to only his pants and took a seat on the couch, motioning for me to proceed, a silent invitation to do as I pleased. I moved over to him, lifting my leg and tossing it over him so I was straddling his lap.

I sat down on him, my bare core directly atop his clothed member. I ground my hips against his, earning a moan from the man, the noise coming from deep within his broad chest. I hooked an arm around his neck, using it as leverage to keep my pace steady. "Am I doing this right, master?" I questioned, bringing my face closer to his, our lips only inches from one another's. He immediately nodded.

"Your doing well, pet. So well."

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