Chapter 3

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After many more countless days and nights in the medbay, the doctor finally cleared me to be off all the IVs and wires. It was nice to finally be able to move around freely without fear of yanking them, that was until the stormtroopers arrived.

"You will be coming with us." One commanded, flicking his fingers at me as if to tell me to stand up. I looked at them confused, maybe even a bit scared. And where will we be going?" I questioned, staying still against the bed beneath me. "That's none of your concern. We were given specific instructions by the supreme leader." The other chimed in, seeming irritated that I had the nerve to ask questions. "Supreme leader my ass" I scoffed, rolling my eyes and standing. My bare feet met the cold linoleum making me shiver as I made my way towards the troopers.

My steps where a bit wobbly, still not used to being up and around after all those days of sleep. Aggressively, they each grabbed an arm and started to guide, or better yet drag, me down the hallway. Despite my hatred for the "supreme leader" I was thankful that he had atleast waited a while for my injuries to heal before he allowed his goons to come collect me. "Geez, do you have to be so god damn rough" I barked. The trooper on my left loosened his grip a bit realizing how hard he had been gripping my appendage, the other ignored my complaint, refusing to even look at me as we continued through the halls.

It seemed like the longest walk of my life until we finally made it to a hallway of rooms with grey metal doors. The hallway was devoid of any color, the flooring made of concrete. I was brought to a door and held in place until it slid open, revealing inside nothing but a grey concrete cell. I dug my heels against the ground quickly, suddenly becoming aware of what they intended on doing. "No please, you can't leave me in here" I begged, the men on both sides of me having to lift me off the ground to get me inside.

"Quiet prisoner." Trooper one hissed, using all of his force to push me inside. I tumbled to the cold hard ground with a thud. Letting out a pained grunted I attempted to lift myself back up, not wanting to be helpless against the ground in front of them. "You can't leave me here." I screamed, gripping at my side as I felt blood seep from wound, clearly they had done some damage.

Ignoring my tantrum the men both turned and made there way out the door, sliding it shut before I got the chance to scream anymore. Hot tears began to slip there way down my face. Was this to be my life now? Sitting in a cell as I wasted away, just waiting for the day that I might finally die. "I HATE YOU" I screeched to no one in particular, the sound of my voice bouncing loudly off the walls around me and back into my own ears.

My throat burned, my blood felt as if it was boiling, but of course there was nothing I could do, unable to even move. Sobs overtook my breathing, causing a ache to form in my chest. I pulled myself up against the wall, staring at the ceiling as I begged the universe to just let me die to no avail. Finally I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer and I fell into an uncomfortable dreamless sleep.


I awoke to the sound of the door sliding open before me once again. I didn't know how long it had been seeing as there was no windows or clocks in sight. My eyes snapped open, my mind already on high alert, terrified of who might walk through that door and what they might do to me. The sound of booming footsteps took over my senses and I immediately knew who it was. It only took a minute before that awful mask came into view. Ren stepped inside his large stature taking up the entirety of the door frame.

"Good to see your awake, princess" he spoke, the sound of his voice through that mask making me want to rip my hair out. I didn't answer, only stared at him in complete disgust. "Always so defiant" he chuckled, stalking his way closer. I pressed my back even harder against the wall, wanting to sink into the concrete, to disappear from in front of him.

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