Chapter 2

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I spent so many nights in the medical unit being treated for my injuries, I started to lose track of time.  My wounds had slowly began to heal, the bandages being changed once a day to ensure there cleanliness. Although the pain persisted I had managed to get used to it, embracing it, enduring it to keep myself human in this god forsaken place. There was no window in my room, making it hard to distinguish between night and day. The only way I knew the time was when the nurses would bring food. Most of it I refused to eat, the guilt I felt inside from being the only known survivor of my planets destruction plagued me like a sickness.

"I know you must be hungry. Is there something specific that you want?" The nurse questioned as she came to retrieve my untouched lunch tray. I shook my head as I stared at the wall across from my bed. She sighed, picking up the tray and heading towards the door of my room. "You'll have to eat something at some point or you'll starve" she warned. I let out a horse laugh. "A girl can only dream."

I listened to the repetitive beeping of the monitor that sat next to my bed, the noise was driving me crazy but what was I to do about it. If I hadn't been hooked up to so many tubs I would have gone to explore, maybe even find a way to escape, but the machines kept me in the bed. Honestly I had been a bit shocked that I wasn't restrained, not that I was much of a threat either way. Unarmed and substantially injured seemed to be all the security they needed.

My head snapped towards the door as it slid open once again. My muscles all tensed as I saw who was making there way through the threshold. Ren. His black garments and helmet making him look like a giant metal monster as he noisily made his way into the room.
"Princess" he addressed me once again. Everytime that word came out of his mouth I wanted to vomit. When used as a derogatory term I had to admit it really stung. I didn't reply to him, just stayed completely still, staring into the concrete as I tried my best to keep my breathing steady.

"Still ignoring me I see" he continued, a sound coming through his mask that almost sounded like an chuckle. Yes I in fact was. He shook his head. "You can't ignore me forever." He continued. I shrugged, still refusing to meet his gaze. "I can always try." I replied. A eery silence fell over the room and for a second I felt panic flood my veins. Had I pushed him to far? Would he punish me? Kill me even? I shook my head from side to side to rid myself of those thoughts.

"You certainly could-" he hummed making his way closer, my body tensing as he lessened the distance between us. "But I wouldn't advice it. You see princess, I can hear what your saying whether you use that pretty little mouth of yours or not." I sucked in a breath and held it. I had been told tales of what the man possessed, a power that governed the entire universe. The force. I had never believed it to be true, just a fairytale that our parents told us before bed to keep us entertained. I guess I was wrong.

"What could you possibly even want from me? Everything I had you already took. As you said before, here I am nothing" I hissed, my fingernails digging harshly into my palms as I tried my best to contain myself. He stood there, unmoving for what seemed like an eternity before he slowly started to pace. "When I brought you here," he said, moving around the bed as if he was stalking his prey. "You had gold lines on your face. What were they for?" He asked, stopping at the end of the bed, his helmet covered face locked in on me. I glared at him. What was this game he wanted to play, and why? I didn't wish to answer any of his questions. I didn't even want to be in his presence.

His glove claud hand tightened into a fist with an audible stretching noise. "I can retrieve these answers whether you give them willingly or not. I just thought I would give you the chance to cooperate." His voice was low, threatening. Fine, I'll play his games. "There are three lines placed on the face of the princess at her crowning. One is for solicitude, the others prowess and honorability. You and your troops stormed my ceremony before I was able to accept my crown. I was going to be queen... now I'm just a prisoner."

I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek. I wanted to scream and attack the man that stood before me, but I couldn't. I knew that that would only show him how weak I was. How vulnerable I was becoming from his little mind game. I looked back over at him, his body language unreadable. I sat in silence awaiting his next move, hoping and praying that there were no more questions.

The man abruptly turned on his heels and made his way to the door, his footsteps booming against the flooring below him. "Where are you going?" I questioned timidly, confused by his sudden movements. "I no longer wish to speak with you, I'll send a nurse to check your vitals." He replied, his voice harsh once again. The door slid open and he made his way out, throwing one last look over his shoulder before he let it close behind him. I let out a sigh. The one tear had now turned into a full on sob that burned my chest to escape.

I rested my face in my hands letting the tears fall freely as I hiccuped. God how I wished that this was all just an awful dream, that I would wake up in my own bed again, on my own plant with my family. But I knew that would never happen. They were gone, and I wished I was too.

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