Chapter 11

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I had been allowed to rest for a few days, none of the knights seeming eager to touch me after the pain management wore off from Cardos barbaric restitching of my side. But now it was back to my duties tending to my knights. Ew I hate the way that sounded, my knights.

"Undress, pet." Kuruk encouraged, helping me pull my dress off my frame in the bathroom of his quarters. "I can shower myself." I huffed in annoyance, pulling away from him to rid myself of my clothing without his help. I dropped my dress to the floor along with my undergarments, stepping into the shower. The warmth felt amazing, the water pouring down my body and over my head as my muscles relaxed in bliss.

Kuruk leaned into the shower, pulling me so that he could get a good look at my wound. "Looks much better today, pet." He nodded, seeming satisfied with the progression of the healing. "Hurry up and clean yourself. Your knights have something we wish to show you." With that he left the bathroom, closing to door behind him leaving me to finish up my task.

Despite his request to hurry up I took my time, being sure to scrub every inch of my body. I felt dirty, everything I had let them do to me, from the touch of the man at the club, from the floor I was now constantly made to sit on. I took in the feeling of being clean once again, sighing in relief as I turned the shower off and stepped out into the freezing air of the bathroom.

As I wrapped my towel around myself, I quickly noticed new clothing sitting in a neat folded pile against the bathrooms counter. Strange, I hadn't even noticed anyone come in. I picked up the new dress, smiling to myself as I glanced down at the garment. Now this I could work with. The black dress was much more fit for a princess, it's fabric soft and flowing , the top an intricate design more beautiful then anything I had seen in months on this stupid base. Still no shoes unfortunately but I had to take the victory's as they came.

I sighed happily to myself as I pulled the clothing into place on my body, finishing with my hair before I made my way out into the common area where the knights sat waiting for my arrival. "Oh good, it fits. This dress suits you much better, princess." Trudgen commented, with a nod, earning a choir of 'yes' and 'mhm's from the others.

I blushed sheepishly to myself, picking at my fingers as I await there next command. "Come now, princess. We've a gift for you." Kuruk spoke as he set a gloved hand against the small of my back, guiding me out into the halls of the base as his fellow knights followed. It didn't take me long to realize where we were headed, towards the holding cells and interrogation rooms. I could only pray they weren't intending on leaving me in one, I hadn't done anything to upset them that I could think of. I followed quietly, chewing on my bottom lip.

After a while we stopped in front of a metal door, the knights exchanging silent glances as it slid open. Vicrul, seeming to notice my hesitation, grabbed me by the waist and walked me into the room, stopping after we made it through the threshold to allow me to get a look inside. I went stiff when I noticed the man from the club, his body laying limp against a metal contraption beneath him. I immediately turned away, attempting to leave but being blocked by Vicruls unmoving form.

"I want to go. Please." I begged him, tears welling in my eyes despite my attempt to keep them dormant. "Do not cry, princess. Be patient." He encouraged, turning me back around and moving me further into the room to let his brothers enter. Once they were all standing inside the cold room Vicrul outstretched a gloved hand towards the man, the motion causing him to jolt awake, his chest heaving as he glanced around at the knights in terror.

"Good. Your awake." Vicrul spoke, making his way closer to the man, scythe gripped tightly in his hand as he stalked around him. "Come here, princess." He called, beckoning me. I didn't move, still confused as to what was happening, still afraid for what might come next. I felt myself be grabbed, an arm hooking around my torso before I was lifted and carried across the room, being set right in front of that monster.

"Now, pet. I want you to tell me what he did to you." Vicrul spoke, his voice kinder now as he petted my head softly with his free hand. I shook my head, roughly wiping the pathetic tears from my face as I stared hatefully at the man. "Where did he touch you my little princess?" I couldn't refuse him, melting into his touch.

"He grabbed me, when I went to follow Rens instructions." I explained, my words shaky as I did my best to keep my composure. "Then what?" Vicrul questioned encouraging. I hiccuped as I picked at my dress, trying to avoid there gazes. "He dragged me out to the alley and threw me on the ground."

I didn't understand why they wanted me to explain it, if I was being honest I just wanted to forget the incident all together. With that Vicrul turned to Ushar, giving him a nod as he stepped closer to the disgusting man. Ushar lifted his war club, allowing the weapon to come down hard against the ribs of his victim with a loud crack. The same place where my scar sat beneath my clothing.

The man screamed out in agony, yanking against his restraints with all his might, but of course it was no use. I gasped at the violent action but refused to turn away, almost enjoying seeing the man in pain, of course I would never admit that to the knights. "What happened next little one?" I wanted to stop, to keep the rest of the horrid interaction to myself, not wanting to look weak and helpless though I already knew thats how these men all saw me.

"He grabbed my hair and dragged me across the concrete." I could still feel the bruises and scrapes that littered my shins and knees under my dress. Another hit from Ushar club, this one directly to the man's knees, so hard I'm sure he had to have broken something. Badar made a noise that I'm sure came straight from hell, a paleness taking over his face that made it apparent that he was close to passing out from the pain.

Silently they all turned to me, waiting patiently for me to tell them more. "He told me he was... he was going to use me before he turned me over. He wanted me to show him what a good slave I would be." I couldn't help but let a few sobs escape me as I spoke. Even thinking about it made my skin crawl, my stomach twisting into itself making it feel like I might throw up at any moment.

This seemed to spark a new anger in the knights, all of them crowding around the incapacitated man, power and malice radiating off of them in waves. "I don't much like when people touch my things." Vicrul spoke, leaning in as he jabbed his scythe into the torso of the criminal beneath him. Bader spit out a mouthful of blood, the red liquid leaking down his chin soiling his clothing.

"Manhandling my frail princess. What a pathetic excuse for a man." Trudgen growled, his vibroclever meeting the flesh of Bader's arm, the blade of his weapon cutting through him with one swift movement. It was so brutal, so gory, so disgusting. But I couldn't look away, I didn't want to look away.

Ap'lek joined in on the fun, dragging the staff of his axe loudly against the floor as he approached. "I would encourage you to beg for mercy, but I wish not to hear your voice." He said as he lifted his weapon, glancing from side to side at his brothers as he took in the bliss right before the kill.

Cardo grabbed hold on the man's head, pulling it so that his neck was fully exposed. "I take immense pleasure in watching you die." He said, bringing his masked face to the man's ear to assure he could hear him. "Please, don't do this." Bader sputtered out, his voice weak from his already dying state. I felt a knight take hold of my arm, turning to see Trudgen at my side.

"You can look away, princess. He will never hurt you again." He spoke, making it clear that I had no obligation to watch the man die. But I wanted to, I craved to see the life leave his eyes. I shook my head stepping closer to the gruesome scene before me. "I don't wish to look away."

With that Ap'lek brought the axe down, the motion disconnecting the man's skull from his tattered bloody body. His head hit the flooring beneath us, rolling across the concrete and stopping at the wall with a thud. It was almost a relief to see him that way, knowing he would never again have the pleasure of selling innocent girls into the trade.

A hand met my back once again as Vicrul leaned down to my level. "Are you alright little one?" He questioned taking my face in his grasp as he tried to read my expression. I couldn't help but let a smirk creep it's way across my face.

"I'm better then alright. That pig got what he deserved."

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