Chapter 9

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Before I got the chance to scream the man's hand clamped harshly over my mouth, his grip on my face so hard I was sure it would cause a bruise. I squirmed in his grip but he was much bigger then me and I didn't stand a chance against him.

"I'm so glad I found you, we all thought you were dead." The man chuckled, doing his best to yank me in the direction of the exit without causing a scene. "Seems like the whole galaxy is looking for you, especially the resistance. I wonder how much they'd pay to get there hands on you. I'm betting it's not nearly as much as a slave trader would."

I fought with all my might, sobbing loudly into the man's palm was I silently prayed for the knights to save me. Yes, I hated them, but at least I knew what to expect when I was with them. "Stop fighting me, princess. You know you can't get away, your just making yourself look pathetic." He growled, pressing his blade more harshly into my throat. I let myself go limp, giving up my efforts of self preservation, if he wanted to kill me, he would. Not like Ren or any of his men would care anyways.

I felt myself be dragged out a side door, my body being slammed to the freezing cold concrete beneath me with a thud. I screamed out, the sound shrill and unpleasant as I felt my stitches split from the roughness of the man's actions. Desperate sobs punched there way out of my chest as I gripped my throbbing injury. I felt like a trapped animal, adrenaline pulsed through my veins as I tried to come up with an escape plan, gripping my side as I attempted to hauled myself off the ground to no avail.

"I think I'd ought to use you just once before I turn you over," he spoke, his boots hitting the cement loudly as he made his way closer to my crouched form. "Your not going to fight me are you, Princess? I wouldn't want to have to mark up that pretty face of yours." He snickered. I raised a hand in defense as I pushed myself away from him. No, this can't be happening to me.

I let out a groan as the man took an unforgiving hold on my hair, dragging my body to his. The sound of his belt being manipulated simply broke me, and in the moment I gave up. This was probably Rens plan all along. Turn me over to some lowlife to be assaulted before he ultimately sells me into the trade. "Open your mouth, Princess. Let me see what a good slave you'll soon be."

What choice did I have? Opening my mouth I gripped the hem of my dress, closing my eyes tightly so that I wouldn't have to watch myself be abused. I heard a sound in front of me that I didn't recognize, a humming, low and repetitive. Slowly I opened my eyes, the sight before me causing relief to flood my body. There stood Ren, his body lodged between me and the man as a red glowing blade sat illuminated in his grasp.

Never in my life would I have thought I'd be so happy to see Kylo Ren, but at that moment I could have kissed his feet from how thankful I was. "Bader, it seems it's been a lifetime since I saw you last," Kylo spoke, vocoder distorting his voice into something almost demonic. "Time has not been kind to you old man."

The man stood petrified, staring into the mask of his opponent. He looked down at the knife still held in his hand, realizing that his weapon would be no help in a fight against a force sensitive killer. Kylos gaze fell upon me next, making me instinctively cowar in hopes that his wrath would only be directed towards the target and not myself. "Look what you've done. My knights poor little pet all shaking and dirty because of you." His masked face turned away from me, focus falling back to the man I now knew as Bader.

"I wasn't aware that she was spoken for, t-that she belonged to the knights or I would have never touched her." The man tried to reason, his back met Vicruls chest as he tried to back away. He was trapped now, each of the knights stepping towards him as they surrounded him from all sides. "As much as I'd love to watch the life leave your eyes, you have something that I want." Ren boomed, causing the man to shake his head.

"I have nothing to offer Supreme Leader. Please just let me go." It was truly pathetic to watch a grown man beg for his freedom. A sound like a laugh echoed out of Rens mask. "Let you go? Then how would I find the remaining resistance bases? You have far to much information to simply be released." As the words left Kylos mouth I watched closely as the man lunged at him, a final failed attempt to escape which quickly resulted in him falling to the concrete unconscious, simply from the outstretch of the Supreme Leaders gloved hand.

Now that the excitement was over, the pain I was feeling in my side became much more apparent. I moved my hand off of where I had it pressed into the fabric of my dress to see blood coating my fingers and palm. "Shit" I hissed to myself, the sight of the red substance making me feel faint. As I forced myself to stand I quickly stumbled to the nearest wall, my finger tips digging into the metal surface to keep myself upright.

I felt the presence of someone behind me, the loud breathing coming from there vocoder making it clear that it was one of my knights. There large gloved hand rested over my own, applying pressure to my wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

I hissed at the contact, biting harshly into my lower lip as I tried my best to stay calm. That dizzy feeling started to take over all my senses, the alleyway around me spinning. "I-I don't feel very good" I admitted leaning into the touch of the knight, seeing as that was at this point the only thing holding me up. I heard the man say one last thing before darkness took over my vision. "Stay calm princess. The pain will be over soon."

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