Chapter 4

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I sighed happily as the warm water from the shower head washed over my body. I intended on staying in there as long as I could seeing as kylo had instructed me to dress myself in the clothing he had left which included a short black dress and a metal collar. I had protested at the sight of the neck accessories but was quickly asked if I wanted to be escorted back to my cell, to which I answered 'no thank you'. 

I scrubbed at my skin, trying to rid myself of the days worth of filth that had gathered all over me. I hadn't even noticed how dirty i had become. I cringed as the water hit my wound. I prayed to myself that the knights might be a bit gentle, or at least make an effort to avoid my stitches in whatever they planned to do with me.

After I had stood in the warmth long enough that my fingers pruned I decided I had had enough. Grabbing the black towel that had been left for me I wrapped it quickly around my body, stepping out into the cool air of the bathroom. I swiped my hand across the mirror to look at myself, and god was I a sight to see. Face bruised, waist length hair matted from the weeks without a brush, I looked like a stray animal.

Getting to work I grabbed a comb, working it through my curls as gently as I could, cringing at the pain I felt in my scalp. I had a strong assumption that someone has bashed my head against something to subdue me during the attack, the giant gash on my head making it pretty obvious. That had to be why I was able to stay unconscious for the entire trip back to the first orders base.

Once I was satisfied with my handy work I grabbed the black dress, pulling it into place in my body and glaring at myself in the mirror, the dress bunched a bit at my waist, my bandage still visible through the thin fabric, I shrugged, maybe the knights would take pity on me and handle me kindly, I highly doubted it though.

Lastly I grabbed the metal neck piece kylo had left for me. "You will lock this around your neck before you make your way to the throne room, I expect it to be locked in place correctly and without complaint before I see you again" I shivered at the memory but ultimately did as he had instructed, wanting to cause the least trouble I could in hopes that it would earn me any type of kindness.

Once the collar was in place I sighed at myself once more in the mirror before exiting the room. This was the first I had realized that I was given no shoes, my bare feet meeting the cold black flooring beneath me. I grumbled to myself in annoyance, embarrassed to be walking around barefoot with a chain around my throat, god could this get anymore humiliating.

I scurried my way down the halls, following the directions I had been given to make it to the throne room where I presumed the supreme leader waited. Taking a breath I pushed the button and the door slid open with a whooshing sound. I made my way inside, walking slowly taking in my surroundings.

The room was red, the flooring black. Lights lines the walkway that lead to a grey throne sat right in the middle on a platform. It sure looked like a room kylo ren would hang out in, dark and unsettling. "Hello princess." a voice boomed making me jump, I turned my head to see Ren making his way over to the throne, his large frame taking up most of the seat.

I didn't reply, just stared at him as i gripped the end of my dress nervously. "Come" he commanded, beckoning me with 2 gloves fingers. I made my way hesitantly towards the throne, my feet cold against the sleek flooring. Kylo sat, legs spread, radiating power as he awaited me to approach. "Do not be afraid princess" he spoke, seeming to notice my nervousness from the shaking of my body. I nodded, finally making it to the steps that lead up to the chair. He motioned for me to continue, pointing a single gloved finger at the ground between his legs. God this was going to be humiliating, but what had I expected? A parade?

I did as directed and walked to him, sinking to the flooring in front of his throne as I looked up into his masked face, awaiting further instructions. "Well look at that," he chuckled, his hand reaching out to hook a finger in my collar, pulling me a bit closer. "She can follow directions." I wanted to scowl at him but refrained, not wanting to be thrown back in that cell again. I only nodded in response as to not upset him.

He let go, leaning back in his seat. "The knights will be arriving shortly. Sit still and stay quiet. Do you understand?" He questioned, a threatening tinge to his robotic voice. I nodded again. "Use your words" he commanded, his hand catching my jaw before I got the chance to turn away from him. I internally screamed before answering him. "Yes supreme leader, I understand."

He gave me a satisfied nod before focusing his attention towards the entrance of the throne room, patiently awaiting for his fellow killers to arrive. It felt like an eternity that we waited but I knew that was only due to my fear.

As the sound of thundering footsteps began to approach I unconsciously pushed myself backwards, my hand gripping harshly onto the leg of the supreme leader. He chuckled at my movements, patting my head with his gloved hand to assure me that I was fine. Yes he was terrifying, but at least I knew he wouldn't hurt me the way I assumed his knights might if I only obeyed him.

6 huge men, all masked and all absolutely horrifying made there way towards the throne. They carried large weapons and stood in formation before coming to an abrupt stop at the bottom of the stairs. "Supreme Leader" they all spoke in unison, standing stark still as they awaited for him to speak.

"Men," he said resting his hand on my head once again. "I've brought you a gift." He spoke. I could hear the smirk on his face even through his helmet, and it disturbed me. There heads moved from him to me where I sat on the floor, clinging to Kylo for dear life. I just stared back at them, there helmets covering any emotion that would usually be apparent on a persons face, this made me even more nervous, not knowing what they were thinking.

"Stand up" Kylo whispered to me, offering me his hand to help myself up off the ground. I paused, looking up at him in fear. "Now" he said, louder this time, grabbing the collar that was situated around my neck and pulling me upwards. I gasped at the roughness of his action, scrambling to my feet in an effort to stop him from hurting me anymore.

I felt so exposed in front of the men, my dress only reaching the tops of my thighs with no other clothing to shield me from there gaze. I could see one of the men who was holding a large axe tightened his grip on the weapon as he examined me. I turned away from them, looking back at the supreme leader for instruction, but he didn't say a word.

"A girl?" One of the knights questioned, his voice sounding almost confused as he did. Kylo held up a hand. "Ahh not just any girl. A royal." He explained. This seemed to spark some kind of interest among the men who turned to one another exchanging masked glances. The one in the front lowered himself a bit as if to bow.

"We appreciate your gift, supreme leader" he said for the group before standing himself back up. Kylo only nodded in response before giving me a hard push in there direction. "You may take her. I have meetings to attend to. Don't break the new toy before I get back. And do try to be a bit gentle, the poor thing is injured" He chuckled, standing from his throne.

He grabbed me one last time, hooking something into the loop of my collar. I looked down to see a metal chain leash with which he yanked me along behind him with, pulling me at a fast pace down the stairs and towards the knights. My palms began to sweat, terrified of being left alone with these beasts of men.

He stopped me directly in front of them, there terrifying size becoming more apparent now that I was closer to them. There masks made me shiver, there faces pointed down at me. Kylo handed the leash to one of the men before he stalked away without another word.

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