Chapter 12

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For the entirety of the next week I was as obedient as a companion could be, tending to the knights every whim. The more compliant I became the more freedoms I was allowed. The men even gave me gifts when they felt I was acting well enough. Dresses, hair pins, more blankets that I kept on the common room couch where I slept most nights. The situation wasn't ideal but at least I was treated well, just as Ren had promised I would be.

After what had happened in the interrogation cell it was made apparent to me that no matter how much I wanted to hate these men, I didn't, and that irritated me. Despite all the bad they had done, they also seemed to care at least a bit for my well-being, which confused me. They were different then I had originally thought, still awful, but maybe I could learn to live with being there companion.

I could not however live with the boredom that plagued me as I sat on the couch watching the fire pit crackle, waiting patiently for the knights to return from there daily training session. Two stormtroopers stood posted at the entrance to the common area, presumably there for if I decided to run but I had no intentions of doing so.

Standing, I began to pace my way around the room, letting my knuckles meet each of the knights doors as I past. I huffed turning to stare at the backs of the troopers, picking at my nails as I started to think about ways I could convince them to let me explore. I wasn't going to run away, I just wanted to get a look around without the knights up my ass.

I sauntered my way over to them, attempting to walk past without them saying anything to me but of course I was stopped immediately. "Where do you think your going?" One of them spoke, blocking my path to stop me. I bit into my lip and paused, thinking of what to say. "I was just going to the dining hall." I replied with a tight lipped smile, hoping to god my lie was believable.

"We were given specific instructions to not let you leave." The trooper spoke, not moving from his place planted in the doorway. Another pause. "I haven't eaten all day, I'm starving. Plus-" I pulled my dress up enough to expose my bare feet. "Not like I could run away. Wouldn't make it very far." The men exchanged glances seeming to be considering my request.

"Straight to the dining hall and straight back." A smile immediately spread across my face despite my efforts to hide it. "Yes of course" I nodded, straightening my back as I made my way out the door, keeping my pace calm as I headed off down the hall. I made sure to keep the act up until I was out of there sight. Now where to go.

I took off down the first hallway I passed, seeing that it was empty, no one around to question me. I peeked my head through each door way, happily making my way through the base. Honestly running around barefoot was quite fun, something I would have never been aloud to do back on Rhymna under any circumstance.

The sound of footsteps caught my attention and I quickly hid in the doorway of the closest room, doing what I could to be silent as a general passed. His boots hit the floor in loud thud as he passed, heading towards what I assumed to be the command center for the base. Giggling to myself once he was out of sight, I continued on my adventure.

I made it to a hallway lined with windows that gave view of the bridge, workers and mechanics scurried around, looking tiny from how high up I was. I let my fingers run along the cold glass as I walked by, no much worried about anyone noticing me. They all seemed much to busy with there tasks to care about anything else. I hummed to myself, walking along a seam in the floor, arms outstretched to keep me balanced.

"Look what we have here. A rouge princess roaming the halls of my base." I froze in place at the sound of that voice. I knew immediately who it was, Ren. How he had managed to sneak up on me without making a single sound was beyond me, but at the moment that was the least of my problems.

I slowly turned around, the man standing so close I had to take a step back so that my face didn't hit his chest. "I got lost... looking for the dining hall." I spoke slowly, my hands shaking in terror at my sides. A chuckle came from his mask, a clear sign that he could see right through my lies.

"You forget I can hear your thoughts, princess. You cant lie to me." Shit, ya I forgot about that. I immediately crumbled, panic taking over as I realized how much trouble I was about to be in. "Please, I just wanted to look around. I was bored I-I wasn't going anywhere, I swear." The words poured out of me before I got the chance to catch any of them, a jumbled pleading mess.

Kylo stalked his way around me, circling me like a predator to prey. "Maybe you weren't going anywhere. But I'm to understand your knights told you to stay put, is that correct?" He questioned. I clenched my eyes shut. Yes, they had told me that. Ren hummed, hearing my answer without me having to say anything.

"My knights don't much like to be disobeyed, pet. I'm sure you've learned that by now." I stayed silent, only nodding in reply. I knew what I had done, that I should have just listened when I had the chance. I felt like I was choking under the supreme leaders heavy gaze. He moved closer to me, so close that his chest touched my back, his mask moving down to sit just beside my face, his vocoder humming lowly.

"I think we should go find your knights, princess. I'm sure they'd love to hear whatever excuse your cooking up on that pretty little head of yours."

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