ferris wheel | junghwan

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my friends and i had decided to go to the amusement park for weeks now, but haven't gotten the chance because we were stuck studying for finals.

but since our days are a lot shorter and it was our last day of exams we had to chance to go.

"i'm so excited to finally have a day off," seungbin said jumping as he walked. i laughed as i watched him, his kiddish persona was cute.

"yeah me too," i said. "but sadly we came so late the park is almost closed."

"well someone had to nap," min glared at junghwan.

"practice is tiring, you wouldn't understand" he defended himself. he's right, we wouldn't because the three of us don't want to become an idol.

"we choose life," i joked (after sid the sloth)

"whatever," he playfully punched me. eventually we walked into the park, it was night time so the lights lit up beautifully.

we stared in awe. none of us had been to the park at night. so it was something to remember for sure.

"i'll go buy the wrist bands," min said.

"okay i'll come with," junghwan said. seungbin and i watched as the two ran off to the line that looped around.

i sighed then sat at a bench that was nearby, seungbin sitting next to me he started a conversation.

"do you think.. they like each other?" he asked.

"what?" i asked. he repeated the question. i was stuck though, not sure how to answer i shrugged my shoulders.

he sighed, "it's just.. i think i like min."

a smiled rose on my face as i watched him get flustered. min also liked seungbin, but told me to not tell him.

"does she like anyone?" he asked.

"i dunno~" i said; shrugging.

"hey come on let's go before the lines get too long!" min practically yelled as junghwan and her ran over to us. she grabbed onto my arm and dragged me with her.

the first ride she chose was the ferris wheel definitely my favorite. i loved looking upon everyone, i enjoy sight seeing. the line went by quickly and we were at the front.

"oo i wanna sit with seungbin!" min said, i smirked at the two before stepping back so seungbin and i could switch spots.

i stood next to junghwan when the person behind me suddenly shoved into me; causing me to fall into junghwan. he quickly held onto me.

"t-thanks.." i breathed out.

"yeah," he said and let go of me. seungbin and min stared at us with bright smiles.

"what.." i said as i brushed my clothes.

"mm nothing," min said as she faced forward. junghwan and i exchanged looks before shrugging.

"how many?" the worker asked looking at us.

"two," min said as she held up a two with her hand.

"okay, the red cart right there." the worker said. junghwan and i watched as the two hurried and sat in the cart. i thought we were all supposed to sit together?

"how many?" the worker asked once again.

"two," junghwan said. the worker gestured has to the blue cart. we made our way over swiftly and sat down. another worker quickly went over the rules before we began to lift off the ground.

my hands sat at my lap as i looked out the cart. i was trying my best to not make it seem like the awkwardness was uncomfortable.. but it was hard.

"it's really pretty tonight." i said.

"yeah.." junghwan breathed out, i looked over to him. noticing he was staring at me sweetly i titled my head.

"you're not even looking?" i chuckled.

"what do you mean." he said. "i think they're really pretty."

i pushed my lips together as i watched him look out the cart. instead of saying something i decided to just keep my mouth shut.

on our second loop around junghwan actually struck a conversation. we were talking about min and seungbin, and how we thought it was cute they liked each other but weren't doing anything about it.

junghwan told me everything seungbin would say about min. which i found extremely cute. he would talk so highly about her, and never in a way that disrespected her as a person.

i did the same and told him what min would say. we both ended up laughing and having a good time. soon after the laughter and banter we got off the ferris wheel and regrouped with the two.

min furrowed her brows at us, "why are you two so giddy.."

seungbin gasped loudly beside her, "did you finally do it?!" both min and i looked at seungbin before each other. shrugging as we exchanged looks.


"did what?" i asked.

"oh.." seungbin wore a worried face as he glanced between junghwan and i.

i turned and looked at junghwan, "what does he mean?"

"erm.." he stood awkwardly before taking my hand and softly dragging me away from the two. i just looked at him as i was being dragged. admiring his features, he looked mature despite our age. he was very pretty, like pretty.

"i have something to tell you.. well also ask you? i-i don't know. both! yeah.. i have to tell and also you something." he spoke.

i nodded, "what is it junghwan?"

"i wanted to tell you that i really like you, y/n. ever since the day we ran into each other, i felt nothing but butterflies with you. you make me fill up with nervous-happy butterflies. i used to try and impress you in elementary school.. because you were the top student, and thought if i wanted to even get your attention.. i'd have to be the best too. now since we entered high school, my feelings matured for you, you make me feel calm and safe. i feel extremely happy when i'm with you. and i really want you to be my girlfriend." he looked up from his hands that he was fiddling with. i held onto them so he would stop. he tend to fiddle with his hands often because of how anxious he's been lately. i'm sure it's because the stress of becoming an idol.

"i would love to be you girlfriend, junghwan."

"really?" his face lit up as he smiled.


"yes," i smiled back at him. "come let's go back to our friends, they're probably waiting."

he nodded and reached for my hand. i interlocked our hands as we walked back to min and seungbin. as we approached then i noticed their interlocked hands.

they looked over to us, all four of our jaws dropped.


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