flower | jihoon

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i entered my shared apartment with my boyfriend. i smelled the scent of a freshly cooked meal. a smile already plastered on my face.

"hey babe," he said turning to look at me.

"hey," i cooed.

"how was work?" he asked.

"it was stressful. i had to write these documents about such stupid topics." i said rubbing my temples.

i placed my belongings down and walked over to him. wrapping my arms around his waist, i placed my head onto the back of his shoulder.

oh how much i loved this human. so much i couldn't even handle it.

"missed me?" he teased.

"yes." i said as i snuggled closer.

"let's eat first then we can cuddle." he said plating our food.

"need any help?" i asked finally letting him go.

"no i'm okay, go wash up real quick." he said turning around to kiss my forehead.

"okay." i said walking to our bedroom. i quickly changed and washed my face so i didn't look so tired. although i could really use a good night sleep.

i shook my head trying to remain awake and walked back out into the kitchen. he had already set the table. a glass jar with a single flower in it.

i sat down in my usual spot: admiring the single flower. "why just one?"

"why do you think?" he asked.

"i'm not sure.. tell me?" i asked.

he finally sat down, the seat across mine. a smile once he looked at me: "if i got you a bouquet of flowers you'd love all them and love them all equally."

"but since i'm your boyfriend. i'm the only person you should love! so i got you one flower, so you can love that one flower."

i laughed, "you're so cheesy. but thank you for the meal babe."

"you love my cheesiness. you don't love the flower?" he asked.

"i do." i stated.

"why?" he asked.

"because it reminds me of you." i said. (imagine it looks like his truz character romy)

"are you saying you.."

"love you? yes. of course i do. who wouldn't. you're beautiful inside and out." i said.

"and i love you too." he said.


a lot shorter than i wanted it to be..

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