library | yoshi

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"bye," i waved junkyu off.

everyone had left, so yoshi and i were the last to remain. our finals were coming up and we were in the library studying. it was past ten and the sky already grew dark.

but i really needed to past these finals. so i studied until i had no remaining energy left in me. i sighed and propped up my arm for my head to rest on.

"are you okay?" he asked.

"yeah i'm fine. just really tired." i said yawning.

"let me take you home then." he said about to pack his belongings.

"no it's okay. i need to finish my studying first." i said closing my eyes for a couple seconds.

"y/n." yoshi called.

"yoshi." i said opening my eyes.

"let's just go home. we've been studying all day. you should get rest. we can continue tomorrow." he said.

"no no! i'm seriously okay. " i said.

"how about i get us some coffee, yeah?" he asked.

"sounds perfect." i smiled. he got up and left the library. that's when my eyelids felt heavy then i shut them letting myself get a couple minutes of rest.

a few minutes later i was asleep. i heard him sigh. we both know how stubborn i am and i wasn't gonna go home before reading over all my notes. so i fell asleep in the library.

he placed the cans of coffee down onto the table and slid over to me. he took my head off my hand and placed it onto his lap. i acted as if i was asleep. but even if i wanted to i couldn't get up. i was far way to tired to even move.

"what am i gonna do with you?" falling asleep in a library. you're pushing yourself too hard y/n." he said writing notes down.

i opened my eyes and stared up at him. yoshi was really good looking. perfect skin, perfect face shape for his features. i was jealous, he could get anyone he wanted. but he chose to stay single.

even his crush asked him out: the one he liked for a few months. but he rejected her, saying he moved on. i still think about it, and it confuses me. who had he moved on to?

"i can feel you staring." he said.

"well you're just too cute to not." i said then immediately covering my mouth. i just said that out loud.. fuck.

he looked down at me laughing. "i'm glad you finally noticed."

"i knew you were cute. today it just slipped." i said.

"oh really? why didn't you tell me then." he asked.

"i was afraid." i admitted.

"afraid of what?"


"y/n" he said lifting me up so we could make eye contact.

"i like you."

as if on cue pink rushed to my cheeks. my heart picked up it's pace as i felt like was going to explode.

"really?" i asked.

"yes. i always liked you. suvi was just a cover up. i never liked her." he stated. "do you like me too?"

"yes. yes i do." i said breaking into a smile.

he smiled back at me. looking down at my lips before coming back up to my eyes, "may i?"

i nodded then he immediately leaned in. i closed my eyes as our lips made contact. he placed his hand on the back of my hand to deepen the kiss. i completely melted into him.

this is all i ever asked for. to be with yoshi.

we parted ways: gasping for air. i chuckled as i looked over to him.

"what?" he asked.

"you're really cute."

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