artist | asahi

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— i know nothing about art btw

i had always been into art. ever since i was a kid, i'd ask for paints, color pencils, you know just art supplies in general.

every time i got money for my birthday i'd go buy art supplies. i just love the idea of art. and how you can use it to express yourself.

hence i never been good at voicing my opinions, feelings, etc. i put them into art. and i'd love to advance my skills, so i'm taking an art class.

which i happen to be on my way to. i live in the city so everything was just a walk. i had my headphones in as i quickly walked through the city and to my art class.

i was more than eager to learn. art classes in high school were never enough for me, i wanted more.

soon i had arrived at the class. i knocked before awkwardly pointing my head into the class. i immediately saw who was the instructor and she said i could sit anywhere.

i wanted to sit in the front, so i could see the best. and lucky me because there was one seat left in the front. i also noticed the guy who would be beside me, he was pretty.

as i got to my seat there sat a canvas in front of me, with paint brushes, and different colors of paints. i looked over at the guy before we exchange awkward greetings.

"okay, welcome everyone!" the instructor's hands clasped together as a smile rose on her face. "today we will be learning about technics."

i slid my tote bag off my shoulder and sat it beside me. my hands rested in my lap as i listened to the instructor.

i then dipped the paint brush in the white paint, and lightly coated the entire canvas with it.

every few minutes i'd glance over to the guy beside me. i couldn't help but to look at him. i found him so attractive..

by the end of the class i had admired everything about him, and what he wore. from his jewelry to his shoes, i loved it all.

fortunately, he wrote his name at the corner of his painting. "hamada asahi"

i said goodbye to the art instructor before leaving the class. i immediately went on my phone and searched for the guy on instagram.

he was actually attending the same university as me — hence seeing initials of it and his graduation year. we also had a lot of mutuals.

i texted our mutual friends about him, he was single, an art major, and a few months older than me.

i reluctantly decided to request his account. after a few minutes, he had accepted it and followed back.

i began to stalk him, making sure he definitely didn't have a partner. because if he did.. i didn't want to be a home wrecker. as i looked through his tagged posts, he sent me a text.

hey, u were the girl sitting next to me at the art class right?

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