Arc 1: chapter 1

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Date started: 21/11/22

Swiftly with one last hit with his blade Kazuha finished off his enemy. The hilichurls body fell limply onto the damp ground. Kazuha breathed heavily his chest tight as he sat down, the rain had soaked his hair and his clothes clung to him. He sniffled slightly as he tipped his head back to rest against the tree he was sat under. The poets eyes closed heavily as he rested, the rain was starting to become heavier. Kazuha breathing began to grow more shallow over time as he slept.

Another appeared walking past Kazuha, he looked down at the poet with a blank expression not feeling very pitiful. Normally Scaramouche would go on with his day, the other wasn't important to him so he should just leave it but the more the harbinger stared at Kazuha the more he began to feel a sort of pity.

Scaramouche sat down on the wet ground next to the other shivering a bit. He could hear Kazuhas shallow breathes and for some reason felt a bit concerned for the others health. The harbinger got up and went looking for something that could be used as a blanket of some sort.

When he came back Kazuha looked half sleep, his eyes were barely open he took a deep breathe that slightly wheezed before closing his eyes again. Scaramouche placed the blanket around the other and sat down. Kazuhas head fell onto his shoulder, the harbinger pulled a face of disgust but didn't push Kazuha off.

"Kuni..?" Kazuha mumbled

Scaramouche didn't say anything, his eyes widened slightly at the nickname. Only one person he knew called him that. The harbinger observed the boy leaning on him and confirmed that the reason he felt pity was because he had found Kazuha. The one that for some reason had been on his mind recently, he wondered if perhaps the poet would recognise him.


By the time the rain had stopped both boys were asleep under the tree. Gaps of sunlight burned through the trees lighting the ground up, despite the sun being out it was still freezing outside. It felt as if they were up the highest point of Dragonspine. They were both sat as closely as possible to keep themselves warm.

Kazuhas eyebrows furrowed together as he squeezed his eyes hard before opening them. He sat up right and his back ached, he guess he must of been sat against the tree for a while. He reached for his neck and rubbed it harshly before turning to the side of him where he saw Scaramouche.

He immediately recognised him as the sixth fatui harbinger and moved away quickly. He stared at the other sleeping in shock. Scaramouches eyes were lightly closed and the sun gleamed on him giving his hair an orange kind of tint. Though Kazuha did not recognised the harbinger to be his beloved Kunikuzushi the one he had been thinking about since he had left.

"What in the archons" he muttered under his breath

He heard the other groan a bit as he woke up, the harbingers eyes screwing tightly as he woke up. He yawned quietly as he moved his arms around to make them feel less stiff.

"Who would ever think it would be a good idea to sleep against a tree" he complained

When Scaramouche looked up he saw Kazuha looking at him wide eyed. The harbinger stood up and leaned against the tree his arms hung loosely against his sides.

"Shouldn't you say thank you?" He asked

"For what?" Kazuha replied

"What do you mean for what? I literally went to find you a blanket so you wouldn't freeze to death, be thankful" Scaramouche told the other his eyesbrows furrowed

"Thanks then" Kazuha said unsurely

"Your welcome" the harbinger answered proudly

"Well I think I should get going.." Kazuha suggested starting to turn the other way

"No you can't yet, as I basically saved your life you now owe me" Scaramouche stated

"Oh right" Kazuha answered turning back towards the other "what do you need me to do, because I kind of need to do stuff"

"Be my partner.. in the no strings attached kind of way, if you get what I mean" the harbinger suggested

"as in.." the poets sentence trailed off 

"have sex"

"WHAT?" Kazuha yelled loudly in utter shock a disbelieved look on his face "No way!?"

"Nope, I have everything else I need" he responded crossing his arms

"Can't we just leave it at you helped me, we never meet again?" Kazuha asked desperately

"Come on, I'm not that nice" Scaramouche laughed a bit "it's not like we will have any relations unless you think you'll get attached?" Scaramouche said it in what sounded like a challenging tone

"Tch no way" Kazuha answered scoffing "are you trying to challenge me?"

"So you'd fine it challenging?" The harbinger asked

"No way" Kazuha replied confidently

"Then will you accept?" Scaramouche asked

"You make it sound as if you've already fallen for me, you sound eager" Kazuha teased a little

"No way" Scaramouche shook his head

Kazuha laughed harshly "I still don't accept"

"Fine, but fate will make us meet again" Scaramouche said shrugging

The purple haired boy walked away and Kazuha watched after him with a confused expression

"What a weird guy" muttered the poet


"YOU DIDN'T GET HURT RIGHT?" Beidou exclaimed loudly

"Shhh you are going to disturb people" Kazuha hushed "anyways look at me, do I look injured?"

"I guess not" The brunette responded "but now you've had that interaction please stay on guard at all times"

"Of course I will, I'm not going to put myself in any trouble" Kazuha reassured offering a kind smile

Beidou returned the smile though it looked forced, she turned to leave Kazuha.

"I promise I won't put myself in deliberate trouble" Kazuha called after her


"No way you did that!?" Childe said sounding outraged

"Yeah I did" Scaramouche replied "fuck what am I doing?" He asked fustrated

"Dude you're going to loose your mind over this guy I swear" Childe laughed

"Shut up" Scaramouche responded turning slightly red "I should've just let him leave, but no I decide to run my mouth instead" he sighed heavily

Childe laughed in response "man you messed up big time" He said tears beginning to form in his eyes from finding how funny the other's situation is.

"I know that" Scaramouche scoffed looking away

"You're too funny" Tartaglia kept on laughing as he walked away "good luck on that, I doubt he would ever want to talk to you know"

Scaramouche sighed loudly when he was alone in his office.

"What now?"


serein. / (səˈreɪn) / noun. fine rain falling from a clear sky after sunset.

Anyways don't say anything abt how bad the storyline is going cus I thought of this whilst sitting in an exam last year 💀 

I'm editing this rn (03/04/24) but I don't think too much will change tbh after this I'm gonna start a fanfic called heavenly 

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