Arc 2: Chapter 14

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"Wake up" Kuni said shaking the other awake

"Huh?" Kazuha responded sleepily rubbing his eyes catching his breath 

"You were breathing funny, are you sick?" The wanderer asked worriedly 

"No I'm fine, I'll be fine tomorrow" the poet responded giving a weak smile before slipping back into a sleep

Kuni doubted what Kazuha had said and decided to stay up to monitor how he was to make sure he slept well and wasn't too ill. When it got too late morning Kuni gathered some stuff up from around the forest to make some warm soup that would hopefully help the other stay warm. When he finished the soup, he tried his best but it wasn't great, he woke up Kazuha and passed it to him.

"Huh whats this for, I could of made something for us" Kazuha sniffled trying some of the soup "it tastes nice though"

"You're sick, I told you that you might get ill" Kuni responded 

"How come you aren't?" The poet asked before eating another spoonful of soup

"Well you seem to get sick easily and I actually dried off properly before sleeping" the wanderer responded

"Well it's probably nothing but thank you" Kazuha replied smiling widely

Kuni blushed a bit and looked away whilst the other ate his soup quietly. The silence started to make Kuni's mind wander and he began thinking about how painful it was that Kazuha would never remember their moments together. He wished that he could take back what he did just for Kazuha but he also knew that in the long run, it was a good choice.

"Hey suddenly you look really sad" Kazuha's remark interrupted Kuni's train of thought and the purple haired boy looked over to the other not realising that tears were beginning to well up in his eyes.

"Kuni..?" Kazuha asked softly, in a confused tone "are you alright?"

The wanderer used the back of his hand to wipe away the drops of tears that had managed to escape his eyes but more just continued to fall down his face.

Kazuha placed his empty bowl on the other side of himself and reached over to Kuni and wrapped his arms around him making Kuni cry even more. The purple haired boy cried into Kazuha's shoulder whilst the poet sat there comforting him as best as he could. To him, Kuni didn't seem like the type to just start crying.

"Hey whats wrong, do you want to talk about it?" Kazuha asked beginning to play with the others hair

"No its nothing" Kuni responded his voice wavering 

The white haired boy never responded but knew it was a lie. They just sat like for awhile and eventually Kuni's breathing slowed down completely and he stopped crying. Kazuha looked down to check on him and he was asleep.

Kazuha moved the other off his shoulder and made it so he was lying on his lap instead and just watched the forest for a while as the morning went on.


Eventually late morning Kuni woke up again. He looked up to see Kazuha and blushed from embarrassment as he realised he had started crying earlier. He just sighed and got up, Kazuha had also fallen back asleep leaning on his hands as he rested. Kuni tapped the other awake and Kazuha smiled softly when he opened his eyes.

"Are you okay now?" He asked placing a hand gentely on the other males shoulder

"Yeah, it was nothing" Kuni responded looking away 

"So what do you want to do today?" Kazuha questioned removing his hand off Kuni's shoulder

"Hm I don't know, you're still sick so we have to find something easy to do" The other replied

"Just because I'm a little bit ill doesn't mean we can't do fun stuff" Kazuha tried to argue crossing his arms

"No, you are sick and you have to rest as much as you can" Kuni answered

"Fine" The poet pouted "why don't we make a nice lunch and eat it somewhere pretty?" 

"thats not a bad idea" Kuni responded nodding his head in agreement "what should we eat?"

"Definitely fruit kababs" Kazuha replied "maybe pita pocket's aswell" 

"Do we have enough supplies to make this?" The wanderer asked

"Probably, I have a lot off stuff in my bag" the other responded

"Then lets get to making things?" Kuni suggested

"Yes, I'll check supplies!" Kazuha agreed


After creating all the food the pair walked around carrying everything trying to find a nice place that wasn't too far from their camp. Eventually they found a place that was quiet and shady so they decided to go there.

They sat down on the grass, which as only slightly damp, and placed the food out in front.

"How are you so good at cooking?" Kuni asked observing the pita pocket he picked up

"I just learned to when I left Inazuma" Kazuha responded before taking a bite of his

They both sat there eating for a while and sometimes talking. When they were finally done they still sat looking over the scenery.

"It's really pretty here, thank you for taking me" Kazuha smiled at Kuni

The wanderer blushed and looked away responding with "it's nothing"

"So where in Teyvat do you want to go next?" Kuni asked looking back over to the other his face still a light pink

"Hmm maybe somewhere else in Sumeru or Liyue" the poet replied "maybe I could show you my favourite place in Liyue?"

"That would be nice, describe the place to me" the purple haired boy answered

"Well there's lots of water around and the grass is a light green slightly dried out from the lack of water" Kazuha started "and there is a really pretty waterfall and it's always really quiet there, it isn't hight up either"

"It sounds really nice, we will have to go there some day" Kuni replied after the other stopped talking

Kazuha nodded his head in agreement and then looked above him as he felt a small drop hit his shoulder.

Above him grey clouds had rolled into the sky turning it a light grey.

"It's starting to rain" Kazuha remarked

"Yeah, we should go back to make sure our stuff won't get too wet as when it rains in Sumeru it tends to a lot" Kuni agreed taking Kazuhas hand to rush him along

"I'm just coming you don't have to drag me!" the poet exclaimed

They both raced back to their camp but unfortunately when they had gotten back everything was already soaked.

"Ah everything is wet" Kazuha said

"I can see that" Kuni replied"let's go find some shelter you can't get any sicker"

They both looked around for a place they could go that would shield them from the rain.

"Over there looks good" Kazuha said pointing over to a large tree that had a massive hole digged out of it

"How did we never see that before?" Kuni asked

"I don't know but let's go" Kazuha replied

ITS MY BIRTHDAY AAA (01/03) That's so exciting I got a guitar!

guys I give up on editing I'm just gonna post the rest of the fanfic without reading thru so sorry if the amount of mistakes in the fanfic increase 😭😭

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