Arc 1: Chapter 3

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The poet coughed from all the dust surrounding the room, in front of them was what looked like an endless winding hallway. It was musky, damp and cold. The white haired boy was extremely sensitive towards cold weather, he knew he would most likely end up with another cold once he got out of here.

"I guess we go forwards?" Yoimiya suggested turning back to look at everyone else

"Yeah lets go" replied Lumine sounding slightly anxious

The floorboards creaked under everyone's Weight as they slowly walked down the corridor being as conscious of their surroundings as possible. They finally turned a corner slowly and two fatui guards were awaiting at the door. Everyone drew out their weapons.

Yoimiya aimed her arrow at one of the heads of the guards and unleashed the arrow. With a thick sound it hit one in the head, it cried in response setting up a shield. Kazuha and Lumine stepped out and each went to attack up close whilst Yoimiya and Gorou stayed back and shot from afar.

After swiftly killing the first two they opened some grand doors that led into the next room where there were four more Fatui guards. Yoimiya and Gorou stayed long distance again and The traveller and Kazuha went close combat. One guard hit Kazuha hard in the jaw, he yelped in pain as he licked some blood of his lip, caught off guard he got thrown into a wall hitting his head and nose roughly making more bruises and cuts, blood tricked down his nose.

"KAZUHA!" yelled Gorou worriedly

"I'm fine" the poet gasped out as he stood back up his sword clashing into the guards gun

He flicked his sword upwards and the guard cursed as he lost his gun up in the air. He attempted to tackled Kazuha to the ground his hands reaching around the poets throat. Kazuha struggled desperately kicking his legs out as hard as possible eventually getting the guard off him. The white haired boy climbed on top of the guard and knocked him out by punching his jaw forcefully knocking the guard out.

Kazuha sighed in relief as he stood up and looked around the room, the guards were all piled up on the floor each one of them had been taken on by either of the four. Lumine breathed hardly as she wiped the sweat off her brow, her hair clinging onto her forehead and blood trickled from a nick on her ear. Gorou and Yoimiya had come out completely unharmed which was lucky for them.

"Kazuha you look a mess right now" Yoimiya commented laughing slightly

The poet turned too look at his reflection in a broken mirror that had been smashed during combat, blood dripped from his nose and a gash on his forehead. His cheek was beginning to swell slightly from being hit so hard, his neck had also required additional bruises from being strangled. Blood was smeared all over his face from were he had to keep wiping his face. He sighed heavily before turning to the others.

"Lets go to the next room?" He asked tiredly

The next room was different, it was almost completely empty apart from box's of delusions everywhere. Everyone looked at each other confused, they had half expected for a harbinger to be here. Warily everyone split up to look around for clues, the tension in the room was heavy as they searched. Kazuha was sure that he could sense someone watching them.

Lumine started gasping and coughing loudly grabbing her stomach. Everyone turned to look her direction to see she had a short dagger stabbed into her side wound. Everyone panicked rushing over except Kazuha who was watching over everything.

Gorou teared some cloth off his clothes and pressed it frantically against Lumine's wound making her groan loudly in pain. Paimon flew around panicking as well, she was so scared she accidentally flew straight into a wall and fell onto the floor. Yoimiya rushed over to her to check on her.

"Ha.. its stupid how much you all care for each other" a husky voice rang out

Kazuhas eyes snapped to the way it came from immediately knowing who it is. Scaramouche stepped from the shadows striding into the middle of the room, a glint of emotion showing in his normally dead looking eyes. He peered round the place smirking as his eyes landed on Lumine lying on the floor. He turned on his heel to face Kazuha and smiled seemingly happy.

Scaramouches hand reached out to the poets face as he inspected it, Kazuha stood still in shock. The white haired boy suddenly grabbed the others wrist and pulled it harshly away from his face and pushed him away.

"It seems you had some trouble with the guards outside" he remarked in a snarky tone of voice.

Scaramouche put his face close to Kazuhas and the poet flinched away slightly as the harbinger mumbled "what did I say? Fate will allow us to meet again" he reminded before pulling away to face the others.

Kazuha stood there with his jaw clenched and his hand tightly wrapped around his blade, a sudden rush of anger came over the poet seeing one of his friends faintly breathing covered in blood and swung his sword smoothly towards Scaramouche catching the purple haired boy off guard knocking him to the floor.

"Go help Paimon and Lumine, I got this" Kazuha told the others

Gorou, as quickly as he could, dragged Lumine away and out the base along with Yoimiya taking Paimon, occasionally sparing glances of worry towards Kazuha.

"I'll wait outside" Gorou mouthed then he disappear

Kazuha moved his head slightly to meet the others eyes, which were giving him a hard stare. Scaramouche brushed dust off his clothes and scoffed as he looked over the gash on his shoulder.

"That was a hard hit" the harbinger groaned

"Yeah well you shouldn't have stabbed Lumine" Kazuha responded furrowing his eyebrows

"What was I supposed to do? She was about to take one of the delusions" Scaramouche replied annoyed

Kazuha stared silently quickly wiping more blood of his face. Both males stared each other until one spoke up.

"What you going to do? Fight me?" The purple haired boy asked raising his eyebrow

"Yeah" Kazuha replied bluntly, heavily lifting up his sword

"You're tired and injured, are you sure you want to?" Questioned the harbinger

Kazuha nodded his head slowly his hands clenching around his sword even harder.

"Well I guess I'll go easy" he grinned menacingly

As soon as the harbinger said that a strike of lightening crashed down right next to the other making Kazuha jump to the side quickly loosing his balance. Scaramouche sent another strike the poet's way which just about skimmed him making Kazuha wince.

"Come on, I thought you would put up a better fight?" Scaramouche taunted

Kazuha just huffed out a breath of air harshly before going In for a strike ignoring the taunting. Scaramouche dodged easily throwing a ball of electric at Kazuha.

The poet cried in pain slightly as he his face burned. His eyes teared a bit but he pushed through. The fight went on for half an hour both of them barely taking any hits making the duel almost pointless.

"Will you give up yet" asked the harbinger becoming breathless as he blocked another attack from the other

Kazuha relaxed dropping his blade, "fine." He responded immediately dropping to the floor from exhaustion

Scaramouche watched from the other side of the room a small pang of guilt passed over him but he quickly shook it off. Kazuha was lying at the floor his chest quickly moving up and down. Each of them had small gashes that the other had made but the one on Kazuhas forehead was quite big and the crimson liquid dripped down his face yet he was too tired to wipe it.

Both of them, extremely battle worn, just sat down staring at the ground attempting to catch their breath.



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