Arc 1: Chapter 9

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"it's not fair" he says "he said he didn't want to hurt me but he left anyway"

A little squirrel stares up at the poet with a nut in its hand.

"It's not like I'm that bothered though, he's supposed to be my enemy" Kazuha adds on quickly

The brown fluffy animal tilts it's head to the side it's teeth digging into the nut.

"I mean it's not like I'll miss him either, I barely knew him" Kazuha clenched his jaw after he said it

The squirrel looked over to Kazuha one more time with it's nut then hopped away. Kazuha sighed and looked up the the sky with a sullen look. His thoughts ran wild about everything though most of them consisted of one person. Scaramouche.

"Ugh, why can't I get him out of my head like I said he's suppose to be my enemy" he muttered to himself looking down to rest his head against a tree.

Kazuha had an idea of trying to find the other, but he had no idea where he was at all. Plus it was a stupid idea.

"Kazuha?" A soft voice called

He looked up to see Lumine

"Hello traveller" he said

"Are you alright, Beidou sent me to find you as you haven't been back for awhile" she explains going to sit next to the white haired boy "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing" he responded

"Obviously it's not, I'm here for you" she smiled kindly

"What about you? Doesn't it bother you that you have to do everything?" The poet asked

"It's nothing, we're talking about you not me" she avoided

Kazuha just shook his head, "can I join you in your travels maybe?" He asked

"You want to come to Sumeru?" She questioned

"Yeah, I've never been" he responded

"Then let's get Beidou to take us there!" She answered


When they arrived in Liyue and before they got off the boat Kazuha turned round to Beidou and hugged her.

"Thank you" he said

"For what?" She asked slightly at Shock from the others embrace

"Everything" Kazuha answered

"Wait, wait, you're making it sound like you're leaving forever or you're going to die" the Brunette comment

"You never know" Kazuha responded pulling away

"Don't say that, but be careful" Beidou said shaking her head slightly "I doubt you'll listen though"

"No I will, I'll be safe for you" Kazuha promised and as he turned away "and for him" he mumbled quietly

Even though he said it quietly Beidou still heard but never asked any questions. She waved them good bye and Lumine, Paimon and Kazuha started walking.

"This is going to take along time" Paimon complained

"It won't take too long I'm sure" Kazuha responded

"Maybe like 15 days at least" Lumine said

Kazuha and Paimon turned to gape at her.

"That is a long time" Kazuha said thoughtfully

"We have teleport points though" Lumine says

"Teleport points?" Kazuha asked

"They're the little monuments around Teyvat" Lumine explains

"Huh? I never knew they were teleport points" Kazuha said

"Mhm come with me" the blonde started walking through Liyue harbour until they reached the one by the alchemy stall

She took Kazuhas hand and Paimon held onto Lumines shoulder. The poet tightly screwed his eyes as he felt his vision going funny. When he opened his eyes he felt like he was going to throw up but was amazed by the fact they were already by the Chasm.

"How did you learn to do that?" Kazuha asked surprised

"Paimon told me" she answered looking over to her companion

"How come no one else knows how to do it?" He asked

"I'm not sure" Lumine replied still looking and Paimon for a potential answer

"Perhaps it's because you're not of this world?" She suggested

"Maybe" Responded Lumine

"Well let's head to Sumeru, It's still early morning" Kazuha suggested

"Yes let's go!" Exclaimed both Paimon and Lumine


After about an hour of walking all three of them had gotten lost. To them the forest looked the same everywhere.

"Look there's a person over there!" Exclaimed Paimon

"Should we maybe talk to her" Lumine asked

Kazuha stayed silent unsure on what to suggest.

Paimon started walking towards her and Kazuha followed along silently.

"Uh hello?" Paimon called out

But the green haired person just ignored her and kept walking into a cave. They continued walking towards her to the cave and they were all hit by a strong scent. Paimon and Kazuha watched as Lumine fainted then Kazuha started to gain a bad headache. He put a hand to his head and winced in pain furrowing his eyebrows. Suddenly everything felt black though he knew he was still conscious. A voice echoed around in his head.

"Kaedehara Kazuha" then it disappeared

Kazuha looked up and looked around confused.

"What are you doing Kazuha, Help me with Lumine" Paimon exclaimed

Kazuha shook his head then took Lumine to carry her out the cave.

"Would you like some help?" A high voice asked from above them

Both Paimon and Kazuha looked up at the top of the cave. Another green haired girl jumped down and started Examining the blonde.

"I know someone who can help" She said enthusiastically "she'll be fine"


Lumine didn't wake up until dark. Kazuha and Paimon had been waiting for her. Since he was waiting the poet was trying to place who's voice it was. The voice sounded so distorted and fuzzy that all he knew was that it sounded Masculine.

The green haired girl who is called Collei was sitting by them, she had brought them to see a guy called Tighnari.

"Paimon, I have to go" Kazuha suddenly said

"But you don't know your way around here, it's dangerous and you promised Beidou to stay safe" She argued

"Tell Lumine that I hope she gets better" he said standing up

The poet smiled at Collei and nodded his head as a thanks and started to run to make sure Paimon wouldn't catch up with him.

"That voice sounded like Kuni which means he must be here" Kazuha said to himself happily stupidly not realising him and Scaramouche were the same person.

"I've missed him, I haven't even seen him for years though how did he get in my head?" Kazuha was just yelling all of this in the middle of the woods

"I just need to find him" he said to himself more quietly "it can't be that difficult?"

Sorry this took so long to come out anyways it's nearly 2023 which is rlly weird 

edit: now its 2024 wtf anyways now its a year old I can read it to my friend and gaslight them into thinking I didn't write it (they won't believe me)

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