Arc 2: Chapter 12

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"this is Kunimitsu" Lumine introduced Kazuha to a boy who was only an inch taller than him with dark purple hair that reminded him of thunder storms.

"You can just call me Kuni" he replied

"Right, nice to meet you Kuni I'm Kazuha" the poet introducted

"Kazuha, that's a cute name" the other responded

Kazuha laughed "I think that's the strangest thing anyone has ever said to me"

Lumine laughed a bit but gently nudged the purple haired boy.

"I heard you kind off wander around and I thought maybe we could be travel partners?" Kuni asked sounding slightly anxious

"Of course, I would be happy to make any new friends" Kazuha smiled

"Have you looked around Sumeru much?" The wanderer asked

"I've only really been to the city" Kazuha answered

"I know Sumeru quite well, maybe I could show you some nice spots?" The purple haired boy suggested

"I would love that" the poet answer

Lumine watched as the two boys walked off together and gave paimon a high five happily glad that hopefully Kuni would be able to find happiness in hanging out with Kazuha again.


"How long have you been in Sumeru?" Kazuha asked as the two boys walked down a dusty path

"Maybe a year, year and a half" the other responded

"Your clothes look Inazuman" Kazuha commented

"I originally came from there" Kuni answered

"Thats cool, I do to" the poet said

"Yeah, I could tell from your clothes" the wanderer replied

Both boys found it quite awkward hanging around each other, they didn't really know what to say. They continued down the dusty path until Kazuha came to a stop.

"Wow it's beautiful here" the poet said in awe looking around his surroundings

"I agree" Kuni answered nodding

"If you don't mind, maybe could we stop here?" Kazuha asked

"Hm sure, but how long?" The other answered

"I just want to write a poem" The white haired boy responded

"Lumine mentioned you liked poetry, do you have any poems I could read" Kuni asked

"Yeah I have one, it's about a person yet they seem like a distant memory" Kazuha sighed "I don't remember them at all but I have loads of poetry about them"

Kuni didn't say anything for awhile and Kazuha looked over to him curiously to him the wanderer seemed kind off sad.

"Here you can read it" the poet passed over a sheet of folded, crinkled paper from his pocket "I keep it with me, the way I wrote about them makes it sound like they were a good person who was worthy of all my love and I don't doubt it"

The pair sat down together and Kazuha pulled out pen and paper and Kuni gently unfolded the poem to read it. It was short, made up of five sentences. The wanderer kept re reading it smiling to himself knowing it was in fact about him yet Kazuha would never know and he began to slightly regret his choices of erasing himself yet deep down he knew that it was best that he did.

"You've been re reading that for the past twenty minutes" Kazuha interrupted the silence the two were sat in

"Its a good poem, the vocabulary is nice" Kuni responded in a slightly strained voice "are you almost done with your current one?"

"Yeah, you can read it if you would like" the poet responded

"Sure" Kuni replied taking the poem out of the others hands

He read through it and returned it Kazuha once he was done.

"I like your writing style, its pretty" he remarked

"You can keep this poem if you like it, I don't like it to much" Kazuha responded offering the paper

"Are you sure?" The other questioned

"Yeah" the white hair boy replied

"Thanks, I really do like it" Kuni smiled

"I'm Glad" Kazuha returned the smile "shall we continue our journey?"


Kuni stood up first and offered his hand to Kazuha. The poet took the others hand and stood up, he liked the feeling of Kuni's hands on his. Kazuha quickly let go and the two started walking.

"Where are we actually going?" The white haired boy asked

"Mawtiyima Forest" Kuni responded "it will probably take us a day and a bit to get there"

"What time do you want to set up a camp?" Kazuha asked

"I suppose when it gets dark" the other answered

Until then both boys strolled not in any rush whilst occasionally engaging in conversation. Kazuha felt happy beside the other, he felt as if he belonged with him. He did most the talking, mainly talking about anything in mind, whilst Kuni occasionally contributed. Soon it started to get dark so the pair found a good place to set up a camp.

Kazuha went to find sticks to kindle a fire and Kuni stayed back to clear a space and start on a shelter for them to sleep in. Due to limited time it was quite small. When they were finally done there was just about enough light for them to be able to make some food. Kazuha made fisherman's toast, something he tried in Mondstadt when he visited during summer, Kuni watched intensely as he had never seen this dish before.

When the white haired boy had finished cooking the meal all light from the sky was completely gone. They both sat in a comfortable mainly silence except Kazuha was just humming as he ate.

"This is really good, where did you learn to make it?" Kuni asked

"Mondstadt, I visited there in Summer" Kazuha responded

"I've always wanted to go to Mondstadt" the wanderer says

"Maybe we could go there soon" the poet answered

"Yeah" there was another silence "I didn't have much time so the shelter is quite small"

"Its fine"Kazuha said "being closer together will make everything warmer so it's better"

Kuni blushed but because of the darkness of the night the other couldn't see. When they finished their food Kazuha downed some water from a bottle and offered it to Kuni who accepted it.

They put out the fire and piled their stuff together next to their shelter and crawled into it. Kuni wasn't joking when he had said it was small, they could just about fit. Kazuha tucked both his hands under his head to make more room, he faced away from the other as if he were to turn around their faces would be so close that their noses would touch. Kuni fell asleep first and then Kazuha. He could feel the other breathing softly against his neck, Kazuha closed his eyes and tried to sleep which originally he found difficult but eventually he eased in sleep.

Kazuha woke up first, during the night he had shifted a bit and he was now facing Kuni. Their faces were incredibly close together and Kazuha's heartbeat jumped as he skipped a breath. For awhile he admired the other beauty before realising it was a strange thing to think about so he turned back around which made Kuni wake up a bit before falling back to sleep. Eventually Kazuha got out of the shelter to start making breakfast.


Finally I finished this, man my hands hurt 😭

Anyways the updates will be slow for a while due to my fractured wrist 🫶🏻

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