Arc 1: Chapter 10

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Kazuha unfortunately for him had been caught in rain for the past week at Sumeru and had made no progress in trying to find kunikuzushi. Though he had found out that the traveller had been causing some kind of problem in the city and had gone off the to the desert. He was just waiting for her to come back so maybe he could help her with whatever she's doing. One day at some point during his travels, his days started to become repetitive and were beginning to merge together, he was just wondering through a forest when he finally came across Lumine and her companion. 

"KAZUHA!" Paimon squealed when she saw him "I've been worried about you" she put her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, where have you been?" Lumine asked

"Sorry I left, I had an idea" He explained "anyways what's been happening in Sumeru? I've heard you guys have been around"

"The balladeer is here! The doctor is turning him into a god!" Paimon exclaimed "we need to stop him"

Kazuha's eyes widened in shock. 'Scara here? Scara is a god? Is that why he didn't want to be around me anymore?' he thought to himself

"Let me help?" Suggested Kazuha kind of desperate

"Yes we need all the help we can get" Lumine responded

"Great, so what do we do now?" The poet questioned

"Get arrested I suppose" Lumine responded "I'll tell you about it for when we get to Sumeru"


Kazuha watched a little bit surprised as Alhaitham, Lumines friend, was arrested though that wasn't the only strange thing he had seen that day. He has also witness Lumine communicate with Lesser Lord Kusanali but I guess it isn't that weird as not so long ago he witnessed her coming out of battle with The Raiden Shogun.

Eventually The akademiya slowly descended into Chaos and the three off them, Lumine, Kazuha and Paimon, slipped away to find the Balladeer and save Nahida. When they had gotten to Nahida they hurried to where they were keeping Scaramouche. They had to unlock fiddly and mechanisms and the atmosphere was incredibly tense and Kazuha felt very anxious.

Everyone breathed in a deep breath as they approached what seemed to be the final door. The door to the room where Scaramouche was. Kazuhas heart raced. He was starting to shake.

Lumine put her hand around the door knob and turned it before flinging the heavy door wide open. Nahida walked first followed my Lumine followed by Kazuha and finally followed by Paimon.

When Kazuha saw Scaramouche he bit the inside of cheek so hard that he drew blood. 'No way is that Scaramouche.' He thought to himself. Kazuha really didn't want to fight him but by the way he was speaking to Nahida and Lumine no way that was his Scara.

He stared and listened to everything the other was saying, not once did Scaramouche even acknowledge the white haired boy. Eventually he got ready to draw his blade when Lumine did. The fight Began and it was difficult.

Scaramouche was already strong and powerful without all the machinery but now he seemed almost unbeatable. A lot stronger than Kazuha and Lumine, maybe not Nahida though. But it seemed that their attacks weren't doing much and they were just meaninglessly hitting the machine he was attached to.

Soon Nahida and Lumine hit hard enough to really anger the harbinger and he knocked some of the wall down. Kazuha jumped out the way of a falling piece of architecture that came crashing out his way. The battle was long and tiring for all three of them but eventually they got him. Lumine jumped from piece to piece and jammed her sword into Scaramouches, 'god form'.

Kazuha watched as Nahida took the gnosis and he heard the amount of pain in the others voice as it was taken and Kazuha felt like crying. He didn't.

 When they got out the day had darkened and Lumines friends were all waiting for her. Only because he didn't know any of them he just went back to the inn to rest. That night he felt as if he didn't sleep.


In the morning he went to talk to Lumine, she was in a room a few doors down from his. He softly knocked on the door at 2pm and Lumine answered. She invited him in and he sat on the floor whilst she sat on the bed. Paimon was still sleeping.

"What's up?" She asked yawning

"Nothing, I just wanted to talk about something" the poet answered

"I'm all ears" she responded

"Well you know the Balladeer or Scaramouche" Kazuha started trying to pick his words carefully as Her and the harbinger weren't exactly on good terms. "And you know we had that deal"

"I've been so busy that I forgot about that, what was it anyways?" She questioned

"He saved me at least three times and I owed him" Kazuha started and he took a deep breath before continuing looking up to Lumine who was staring at him intensely.

"We.. were on good terms" Kazuha burned a deep red trying to find the words to explain what their relationship was to Lumine and she sat there patiently waiting

"We made love." He mumbled kind of quietly but Lumine heard.

"Oh, so I guess he means a lot yeah?" She asked 

"Yeah, he showed me nothing but kindness and I caught feelings for him" Kazuha explained

"I was wondering maybe if your there when he wakes up could you ask him to see me?" The poet asked biting his lip nervously

"Yeah of course, but I don't think we will be able to let him leave Sumeru. Just in case" she explained

"Of course, that's fine I just want to ask him why he left me thats all" Kazuha responded

"Okay! Well would you like to come and visit Nahida with me and we can ask about him?" She suggested

"Yes please, I would really appreciate that thank you!" Kazuha exclaimed happily

"Of course, You've been kind to me Kazuha" She answered "let's leave Paimon here, she looks tired"


When they got to the sanctuary doors the pair looked at eachother before Lumine opened the door. Nahida was in the middle of the room reading over something.

"Nahida?" Lumine called

Lesser lord Kusanali looked over them and walked over with a soft smile.

"Hello you two! Thank you for the help the other day, what can I help you with?" She wondered

"We would like to know what happened to the balladeer" Lumine asked

"Ahh him, well I suspect he'll be in a coma for a while with his condition. he will improve soon as we got healers for him" She explained "honestly I think he could wake up any day"

"Thank you!" The two chorused as they walked away and when they got out of the sanctuary they walked to the closet Tavern to talk for a while.

This story has arcs in it now 🤩
this Chapter and the next few are based loosely off the archon quest so obviously spoilers but it's not completely accurate because one this is a fanfic and two I don't even remember half of it 💀

Anyways I did injur my wrists in a skateboard accident so updates might be short and slow and a bit lazy but I'm trying my best!

Anyways my friend is a wanderer main and I'm a Kazuha main and we both ship KazuScara and we always take photos of them being gay af 🤩

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