Arc 2: Chapter 16

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Kazuha stared in shock as he looked at kuni's head. The sleeping male was extremely pale and dried blood was all over him and on his head was a gash that had dirt surrounding it.

The poet shook the other awake. Kuni's eyes fluttered a bit and he moved his hand automatically finding its way to his head.

"My head hurts.." he mumbled groggily

"No way" Kazuha responded "what happened?"

"Last night I couldn't sleep so I went on a walk and crossed paths with some treasure hoarders" he replied

"You should've woken me up to come with you" Kazuha said shaking his head

"I didn't want to wake you"

Kuni sat up against the tree they were sleeping at. Kazuha came closer, his hand reached out to the others wound and studied it.

"You didn't even clean it" the white haired boy commented shaking his head even more

"I passed out before I could" the other replied

"Ugh I wish you woke me up" Kazuha said harshly "I'll try my best to fix it, wait here whilst I get some water to clean it"

Before Kuni could protest Kazuha left to get some water by a near by lake to damp a cloth to clean the wound. Kuni leaned back and closed his eyes sighing, the warm sun of the late morning beamed on his face.

When Kazuha came back he re opened his eyes, his vision still blurred.

"I'll try my best to help you but we need to get you back to the city to get a herbal remedy that will help you" the poet explained as he started to dap the wet cloth onto the gash.

"We really don't have too, I'll be fine" Kuni tried to argue

"No we will go" Kazuha insisted

Kuni winced as the cloth touched his wound, he scrunched his eyes together and tried to hold back a gasp.

Once he felt the wet cloth being lifted away he opened his eyes to see Kazuha staring at him a concerned look on his face. In that moment Kuni wished he could kiss him but didn't.

"How far are we from the city?" Kazuha asked

"Maybe two or three hours?" Kuni guessed

"Well let's get going" Kazuha ordered helping the other up


By mid afternoon the two reach Sumeru city, Kazuha rushed the other to a pharmacist who gave them a few herbal remedies which Kazuha spent most his mora on but didn't tell the other.

The two found somewhere quiet to sit so they could sort out Kuni's health.
There was a cream that he had to put on the wound. The purple haired boy winced as Kazuha applied the cream. He also had to drink a pain relief mixed drink and the two sat together for a while tired of their travels.

"We are going to Liyue next right?" Kuni checked

"Yeah, if that's alright" Kazuha responded

"Of course it is"

"I think we could probably get to the chasm before the sun goes down" Kazuha said

"I don't want to be an inconvenience or anything but can we go tomorrow and stay here for today, my head hurts a lot" Kuni asked

"Oh yeah that's fine, sorry I forgot about your head" Kazuha replied"let's go find an inn to stay at?"

Kuni nodded his head in agreement and the two stood up picking up all their stuff with them.

They walked around for a bit trying to find an inn that wasn't full, eventually they found one of the outskirts of the city. They checked in and put their stuff to the side of the room. To save money they decided to just share a bed as they had been sleeping close together anyways so it wouldn't matter.

"We can actually go out to eat today" Kuni said pulling out his mora and counting it "I have more than enough"

"I don't have any left" Kazuha said pulling out an empty bag

"I swear you had quite a bit, what happened to it?" The wanderer questioned

"I spent most of it on the remedies for your head.." Kazuha responded

"You shouldn't have, can I pay you back?"

"No just like maybe get me something to eat today?" Kazuha suggested

"I was going to anyways" Kuni responded

"Well that can be the payment"

Kuni was going to protest but realised it was most likely going to be no use. They left their room and ate in the restaurant that was attached to the inn.

Over dinner they discussed their plans for Liyue and talked about themselves some more, they tried some drinks they had never tried before but they were none alcoholic.

When it got to around 10pm they went back to their room to sleep. They changed into more comfy clothes and got into bed.

The room was dimly lit by the full moon that hung in the sky amongst the stars. The two couldn't sleep but thought the other was sleeping as they were turned away from eachother.

"Kuni.. are you awake?" Kazuha asked softly into the dark

"Yeah" the other responded quietly

Kuni felt Kazuha shift around and then he could feel his warm breath against his neck.

"Your a really good travel partner.." he whispered

"You too" Kuni responded

After a while the purple haired boy turned around to face the other. Suddenly a feeling of longing washed over him but he tried to ignore it.

He couldn't help it though, his hand reached out to caress Kazuha's cheek. at first the poet was a bit confused but then smiled softly as he found he rather enjoyed his kind of attention from the other.

"I feel like I've known you forever" Kazuha mumbled as he felt a blush creep over him

Kuni didn't respond at first but instead of speaking every word he's ever wanted to say to Kazuha he gently kissed him, their lips barely touching.

When he realised what he had done Kuni jumped back a bit? (I don't think thats the correct sentence💀)

"I'm sorry" he apologised blushing bright red

Kazuha's blush matched the others.

"No I don't mind" the poet said diverting his eyes

Kuni's eyes widened and he smiled more. He kissed the other again but slightly harder but only for a second or two.

"Good night, Kaz" he said turning back over attempting to sleep.

Kazuha blushed even more at the nickname. He closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep but he was too restless and he could tell Kuni probably wasn't currently sleeping and if he was it was a light sleep.

Damn two chapters in a day, tbh I feel like I could finish this fic today, I feel like I have the ultimate motivation.

Anyways you can probs guess what the next chapter is gonna be 👀

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