Chapter 9: Getting To Know Samantha

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Damien and Emma walk through the door to her mother's house, and Samantha hugs Emma tight. Emma says "Honey. I'm okay. There's something that you need to know, Baby." Samantha asks "What is it?" Emma looks at Damien and back at their daughter and says "Damien here. Is your father." Samantha waves and says "Hi, Damien." Damien bends down to her level and says "Hi, Sweet pea. I brought your mom back, just like I promised."

Samantha hugs Damien and says "Thank you. For being my mother back to me." Damien says "I wasn't going to let anything happen to her, Samantha." Samantha says "You can call me Sam." Emma smiles and says "I call her Sammy. Like you." Samantha asks "Was I named after you?" Damien says "You were technically named after my father Samael and my Uncle Samuel since I was named after them." Emma says "I thought his name was Lucifer?"

Damien says "It is, but his birth name isn't Lucifer, It's Samael." Emma says "Okay." Samantha smiles and says "What do I call you?" Damien says "You can just call me Damien." Emma says "You could call him, Dad, Honey." Samantha asks "Is that alright?" Damien smiles and says "Of course it is. If you feel comfortable." Samantha hugs him and says "Thank you... Dad." Damien smiles and kisses her forehead.

Damien lets go and looks at Emma and says "You need to come down to the station to give a statement." Emma nods and says "Okay. Is it alright if we bring Samantha?" Damien says "Yeah. She can meet her Grandmother while we're at it." Emma says "Your mom." Damien nods. Emma and Samantha grab their coats and they went to the Impala. Samantha saw the car and she thought the car was cool

Damien asks "You like the car, Sam?" She nods and says "So cool." Damien smiles and says "Awesome." They got in and drove away to the LAPD

At the LAPD

Damien, Emma, and Samantha walk in and they go to his mother's office. Chloe says "Emily Williams? Damien found you." Emma says "He did." Chloe asks "Do you know who kidnapped you?" Damien says "Dromos." Chloe looks at him with a look and says "Okay." Emma says "I know it sounds weird, but it's true." Chloe says "It's fine. Who's this young lady?" Emma says "Uh, um... your... granddaughter."

Chloe looks at Damien and her and says "What?" Emma says "She's Damien's daughter." Chloe looks at Damien and he nods. Samantha says "Hi, Grandma." Chloe says "Hi, sweetie." Samantha waves. Damien motions for her to go to her. Samantha walks over and Chloe hugs her granddaughter. Damien smiles and he got a phone call. He saw it was Mia and picks it up and says "Hey, Mia." Mia says "Hey, Damien. I was calling to see if you can pick me up?"

Damien says "Sure. I'll be right there in Baby." Mia says "You and that damn car. See you soon." Damien says "You too." and hangs up. Emma asks "Who was that?" Damien says "My girlfriend." Emma lost the smile on her face. She was disappointed that he had a girlfriend. Damien saw that and says "You were gone, Emma. I had to move on." Emma says "I know. I shouldn't have expected you to."

Damien says "I got to go, Samantha." She comes over and hugs him and says "I'll see you, Dad." Damien says "You too, sweetie." Then he waves bye and leaves to go get Mia.

With Mia

She saw Damien as he pulls in front of her in the car. He stops and waits for her to get in. Mia kissed him and says "How was your day?" Damien says "Different. I learned I have a daughter." Mia says "What?" Damien says "Yeah. I learned I have a daughter. I had a girlfriend a long time ago named Emma. She went missing and I found her and she was taken by a demon of name Dromos."

Mia says "Is she alright?" Damien says "Yes, she's fine. I promise. But, I'm gonna have to you know... hang out with her more often due to our daughter." Mia says "It's okay. I understand." Damien says "You don't... hate me?" Mia says "How can I hate you for not knowing you had a daughter?" Damien says "I was just... wondering." Mia kisses him and kissed her back cupping her cheek.

They pulled away and Damien says "I love you." Mia smiles and says "I love you too." Damien smiles and turns on the car and hears music playing. Damien says "Let's go home." Mia nods and Damien pulls away. And drives to Lux to go to sleep. 

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