Chapter 20: Come over they Shall

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Enids POV:

Me, Wednesday and Ajax where getting bored at some point. Like don't get me wrong, Euphoria is and amazing show but we didn't know what to talk about or what to say to one another other than talk about the gas station incident. And I don't want to talk about that more that I already have.

"Hey Bianca saw on my story that we are having a little Euphoria binge night, can I invite her over?" I say looking over to Wednesday who is next to me. She's not a big fan of cuddling so I am always the one cuddling up next to her.

"As long as that's what you want I don't have a problem with it." Wednesday says not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Okay." I say starting to message Bianca back on snapchat.


ME: she said yes, and ajax is also here btw

BIANCA: alr that's cool

ME: ooooo what did you just send lmao

BIANCA: nothinggg

ME: cmon what was it

BIANCA: xavier saw the messages and is now wondering if he can come too

ME: biancaaaa

BIANCA: so is yoko and eugene....

ME: ugh i'm blaming you for this conversation i'm abt to have w my gf 🙄


ME: shit.

BIANCA: did you just say GF!?!

ME: tell anybody and i will have her kill you
and we both know that she would do it

BIANCA: i won't lmao, jesus thank the lord i have been waiting for you two dorks to get together


"Wednesday?" I ask.

"Yes Enid?"

"Slight change in plans..." I say already giving her the "i'm sorry" look.

"What happened?" She says looking at me.

"Well basically Bianca saw on my story that me, you and Ajax are doing a little Euphoria marathon and she was wondering if she was able to come over, but while she was typing that message to me Xavier, Yoko, and Eugene also say the message and now they are all wondering if they can come over too-" I say noticeably rambling on before Wednesday cuts me off.

"Enid." She says calmly but sternly. I nod my head as a response and wait for her to start talking again. She sighs, looks at Ajax who nods his head, and looks back at me. "Do you want them to come over?"

"Yes." I say excitedly.

"Then that's what is going to happen." She says giving me a little smirk but quickly looking back over at the show. I immediately go and message Bianca.

"Come over they shall." Ajax says excitedly too.

This is gonna be fun

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