Chapter 99: A Really Dumb Plan

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Wednesdays POV:

Me, Enid and everyone else is sitting in our sex ed class filling out a birth control worksheet. During this block I realized why this class is mandatory now. The amount of boys in this room that thought the 'pullout method' was a recommended form of birth control is pathetic.

As soon as I finish filling out my paper I set my pencil down neatly on the table. I look over to Enids paper to see that she is nearly halfway done. It was recently pointed out to me that I write exceedingly faster than normal. At the time it seemed like a compliment, but now that I'm sitting still with nothing to do I'm starting to think otherwise.

We suddenly hear a knock on the classroom door and everybody turns their heads to see who it is. I watch as a shorter, younger, brown skinned woman in a long blue dress and black sweater opens the door wide.

Mr. Vanderwell looks up at her with a confused look on his face.

"The headmistress would wish to speak with Ms. Wednesday Addams and Ms. Enid Sinclair." She says before disappearing through the doorway and down the hall. Quickly enough, everyones heads turn to me and Enid.

I pack up my things as I hear people start to have quiet conversations around us. I look up at Enid for a second to see her visibly stressing out. She doesn't like it when people talk about her, especially if she doesn't know what they are saying.

Normally her enhanced hearing would be able to pick up on a conversation, but since there are too many around us going on, it's not as accurate.

I look over to Yoko who is giving me a alarming look. One thing that me and Yoko have in common is Enid, specifically how far we are willing to go for her. And if its as little as taking unwanted attention off of her for a second we will do it in a heartbeat.

When me and Enid got outed me and Yoko had a short conversation about this very thing. We talked about what we could do in a situation similar to this one to have the attention on us instead of Enid. So we made a plan.

It's a dumb plan.

A really dumb plan.

Yoko came up with it.

Not fool proof at all.

But here I am, finding myself doing it anyways. I walk up to Yoko who is seated behind me as she gets up from her chair. I start to ball up my right fist ready to do what we had discussed. But instead, she lunges at me full speed, and lands a strong hard punch right in the left side of my face.

She a vampire, she's stronger than normal. And some people would consider me a short person. Her punch sent me back three feet towards the front of the classroom, and down to the floor.

I feel the whole left side of my face start to burn from the sudden force. I also feel what seems to be sweat falling down my cheek. I hold my hand up next to my left eye were the liquid is, and as I pull my hand back down and look at the bright red blood remaining on it.

I'm so aggravated by the fact that I didn't punch her but that it was the opposite way around go acknowledge the pain. I look around the room as I pick myself off of the floor.

The tone of the room quickly changed, I could tell that people were no longer talking about Enid and Me getting called down to the office anymore, but instead about Yoko nearly knocking me out.

I look over to Enid as I grab my bag. She stares at me with a 'what the hell just happened' look, but I'm just pleased. Pleased that she isn't stressed out anymore, or at least not thinking about anything stressful in the moment.

I grab her hand and start to walk out the classroom with her.

"You know that wasn't the plan." I whisper to Yoko on my way out of the room in an annoyed tone.

"I know." She mouths the words with a large smile on her face.

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