Chapter 102: Yoko And Divnas Dorm

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Enids POV:

Me and Wednesday have been standing in Yoko and Divinas dorm for about three minutes now. There is so much going on I don't even think they noticed we are watching them.

First of all, Yokos purple beanbag was kind of on fire. Not on fire enough to say "omg your bean bag is on fire" but, on fire enough to need an extinguisher. There is blood on the glass window, a whole lot of weed scattered all over the room, some sort of clear-kind of chunky liquid on the floor, clothes everywhere, a pair of handcuffs peeking out from under a plastic bag, and Yoko and Divina are roaming throughout the room kind of yelling at each other.

"Wednesday?" I ask my girlfriend who is staring at the scene before us with a perplexed look on her face.

"Enid." She responds, unable to take her eyes off of Yoko and Divinas room.

"Can you do me a favor and explain to me what i'm looking at?" I ask still staring.

"Well, since we've entered the room a lot has happened. There is truthfully no point in me explaining the events that are taking place when I have no backstory to go off of." Wednesday says. As soon as she stops talking Yoko looks over and notices the both of us.

"Oh hey. How long have you guys, uh...been standing there for?" Yoko says, placing the fire extinguisher in her hands gently down on the floor. Divina picks it up and sprays the now- black bean bag behind her.

"Long enough to see stuff, but short enough to be confused. Care to explain?" I ask her. She turns around and looks at their room.

"So Divina stepped on a big container of hand sanitizer and it kind of splattered all of the room. But the thing is she DIDNT TELL ME," Yoko says, raising her voice slightly so Divina could hear her. "so when I walked into the room holding three large blood packets I slipped and they like, you know...flew into the window."

"Well I wouldn't have stepped on the hand sanitizer if it wasn't on the FUCKING FLOOR." Divina says back to Yoko, trying to pick up all of the weed.

"It's not my fault YOU CANT SEE!" Yoko shouts back. "Anyways, while all of this happened Divina also felt the need to light up a joint. So, she took a seat in MY bean bag that I PAID FOR. And she didn't realize that a good amount of the hand sanitizer had landed on it so she sat down, felt that it was wet and sticky or whatever, JOLTED up like the dramatic ass person she is AND DROPPED THE LIT JOINT AND LIGHTER ON THE FLAMMABLE GOO!" Yoko says, turning her head back to Divina multiple times to get her point across.




"THAT SOUNDS LIKE A YOU PROBLEM NOW DOESNT IT?!" Yoko says, turning around back to us about to continue talking.

"Well, it's actually a partly you problem too cause it's not my beanbag that's burned..." Divina adds, zipping up a large bag of weed.

"Fuck off." Yoko responds in a much calmer tone. "And so that's why the bean bag was on fire. And the weed was everywhere because she dropped that too-"

"What about all your clothes on the floor?" I ask, motioning my hand to the piles of clothing.

"What about it?" Yoko asks me.

"I mean like-why is it on the floor?"

"Oh. I...hmm, Im not sure how they got there." Yoko thoughtfully says, staring at the piles of laundry. The room is silent for a while with everybody just confused.

"And the handcuffs?" Wednesday asks Yoko. Yoko turns around and stares at her with a taken aback expression.

"Hm?" She asks.

"The handcuffs under the plastic bag at your feet." Wednesday says looking directly at the handcuffs. Yoko looks behind her slightly, notices the handcuffs and the bag, and kicks both of them under her bed.

"What bag?" She says looking back up at Wednesday.

"The bag now under your bed."

"I don't have a bed." I cover my mouth trying to hide my laugh after Yoko says this.

"Where do you sleep?" Wednesday asks.

"Inside your mother." Yoko snarks. Divina starts laughing in the back and I looked away so Wednesday didn't see the smile on my face.

"How would you-" Wednesday says cutting herself off. She takes a moment to herself before a slight look of realization shows on her face. All three of us watch as she quickly pulls out a knife from her long sleeve and lunges at Yoko. I quickly  grab her waist and hold her back.

"Do you always have those in there?!" Yoko says quickly backing up.

"Only when I know I am going to be in the same room as you Tanaka." Wednesday snorts back.

"Okay, guys please be all ready to go soon. Our flight is at seven." I say practically dragging Wednesday out the door way.

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