Chapter 74: That one Night on the Couch

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Enids POV:

I wake up to the sound of Wednesdays alarm clock going off. I roll over on my bed to feel if Wednesday is still there. I pay my hand around in her spot realising that she must be in the bathroom. I open my eyes and watch as the alarm clock continues to ring.

"Ugh, WEDNESDAY!" I shout in annoyance. She opens the bathroom door and walks out, already fully dressed in her uniform ready for the day. She looks at me like I have two heads. "Wednesday you know that I love you but for the love of god if you don't turn your alarm off I will kill you-"

"Please Enid you couldn't kill me if you tried." She says walking back towards the bathroom without shutting off the alarm.

"YES I COULD." I shout to her in the bathroom. I hear her slightly laugh as she shuts the door.

I yawn as I scoot myself over to her side of the bed. I grab the alarm, take the batteries out, and throw them across the room. I gently set the alarm back down and get out of bed.

I just now realise that I am naked.

I quickly slide back into the covers and cover myself up, I know that Wednesday has seen me naked but I don't need the creeps on the other end of my wide open window to see that I'm naked.

"WEDNESDAY!" I shout once again knowing she is going to be mad at me. She once again walks out of the bathroom with her hair down and stares at me.

"What." She says clearly annoyed.

"One, you look hot as hell right now and two, can you please shut the window for me?" I say pointing to the wide open window. She looks at me, looks at the window, and looks back at me again.


"Huh?" I say confused.

"I said no, not until you admit that you can't kill me if you tried." She says crossing her arms and staring at me.

"You can't be serious?" I say slightly giggling at this situation. She walks over to my pile of stuffed animals, grabs one, and walks over to ghe window, holding it outside of the frame as if she was going to drop it. "No you know those aren't supposed to be outside!"

"Then admit it and I will bring it in." She says seriously.

"But Wednesday if I got really mad at you for some unknown reason I think I could kill you." I say. She stares at me in disbelief. "Genuinely."

"The only time that you have gotten close to killing me was that one night on the couch, and I quiet enjoyed that so I wouldn't even classify it as an attempt." She says bringing the stuffed animal inside and closing the window.

"Night on the couch- OH, that night on the couch." I say forming a smirk on my face. "Wait why would you say that was the closest I have gotten to killing you, it's not like I was mad at you."

"Your right, you weren't mad at me, but you were teasing and torturing me." She says walking over to my stuffed animal collection and setting the stuffed turtle back down in its spot.

"Yeah but you liked it." I say propping my head up with my arms, still under the sheets.

"Doesn't matter if I liked it, it was tortured. That's why it was the closest you have gotten to killing me, even if it was sexual." She says taking a hair tie from her wrist and starting to braid her hair.


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