Chapter 81: Clay Vanderwell

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Enids POV:

Of course the first class of the day is sex ed. The headmistress and the deans decided that the newfound class would be better to have as a starter to the day than our normal hour long homeroom. Shit.

The only good think about this so far is that the whole gang is in our class. The deans and stuff figured that since sex ed will be replacing the homeroom block, we might as well have it with our homeroom class. And that's good since all the students in my homeroom class are all in the same hallway as me.

The was our hallway is organised is simple. On the left side we have Kent and Ajax's room first. Then we have Bianca and some other sirens room. Then we have Eugenes single room. On the right side we have Yoko and Divinas room. Then me and Wednesdays room.

Of course there are other paired and single dorms in the hallway but I'm not about to name every single student that has a room in the left wing to you.

All you have to know is that there are twenty students in this hallway. Me and the group take up eight of those spots, so there will be twelve other people in that classroom with us. Sadly enough, one of those people will be Taylor since she is also in this hallway.

I'm really going to try not to think about that bit.

But here we are, me, Wednesday, and the rest of the school walking to our first sex ed class of year. Me and Wednesday lead the way as the rest of the gang follows behind us.

When we finally get to our new classroom the teacher greets us right away.

"Hello students!" He says in a upbeat tone of voice. I say hi back as Wednesday just nods her head. "Find a seat, you can sit anywhere as long as you are with your dorm mate! If you don't have a dorm mate than find someone else that doesn't have one as well!" He says nicely as the rest of the students enter the classroom.

There are two rows of double seated desks in the room. Each row with five desks. Me and Wednesday decide to sit at the second row middle desk. Quickly enough, Ajax and Kent sit at the desk in front of us. Bianca and Eugene sit at the desk to our left. And Yoko and Divina sit to our right. The rest of the desks quickly being taken up by the twelve other students.

"Now remember my lovelys, these are the seats that you will be sitting in for the rest of your time here! I hope that you chose wisely." He says sitting down at his desk in the from right corner of the room.

I put my bag down and take a moment to admire the room around me. Ever single wall of this room is made out of brick, with old vines here and there. The whole left wall close to the door is full of shelving of different kinds of plants and flowers. Meanwhile the right wall is full of books and small gadgets, some of which being very detailed mini sculptures of human anatomy. I look up at the ceiling to see paintings of stars and different kinds of constellations. Behind me is just a wall full of posters and more vine. I finally look up to the front of the room to see a massive chalk board, in some spaces drawings already completed, and in others complete empty area.

I turn to Wednesday and watch her shortly as she look around the room, admiring the detail put into making it feel comfortable. She finally realises I am staring at her and turns her head to mind.

"This room is cool as shit." I say quietly to her, trying not to make sure he hears me in case he has a rule against swearing.

"It is quiet impressive I might add. One of the few rooms in this school that I have ever truly felt welcomed in." She says very monotone.

Something about her comment makes me sad for a second when I get pulled out of my thoughts to the sound of chalk against a chalk board.

The whole room goes silent as everyone stops their conversations to look up at the front of the room. We watch as the seemingly upbeat teacher writes his name on the board.

Clay Vanderwell.

I watch as he puts the piece of chalk in his hands down on his desk. Followed by and aggressive clapping of the hands to get the residue off.

I pay a little more attention to him as he struggles to get the chalk off his hands.

He is a tall, skinny, white man with long wavy brown hair that goes shortly beyond his shoulders. He has bright green eyes and a short goatee.

He is wearing a baggy long sleeve button down shirt that has an orange and yellow zig zag design over it, with only two of the buttons from the bottom buttoned up, revealing most of his chest and some of his stomach. The sleeves of the shirt are rolled up to his elbows showing off his thin lined tattoos.

For pants; he is wearing super baggy olive coloured linen looking sweats. And to top it all off, he is wearing brown flip flops. He has necklaces and bracelets all over his neck and wrists. From the back of the room I can also see his bright green painted fingernails.

He walks to his desk to pull out hand sanitiser, still not having figured out how to get the chalk off of his hands. He walks to the trash at the other end of the room.

He walks very loosely, if that makes any sense.

He looks around the room smiling and waving to all of his students without saying a word.

He reminds me of Klaus from umbrella academy...

I think to myself. He stops his eyes on me right after I think that last thought.

"Why thank you Enid. Personally I have never watched the show but I do tend to get that a lot so I'll take it as a compliment." He says smiling at me.

Did I say that out loud?

"I can assure you, you did not." He says quickly turning around, leaving me in shock.

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