Chapter 68: I know so

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Wednesdays POV:

I walk into our room to see how Enid is doing with her packing. In 24 hours we are going back to nevermore academy for our next semester. Apparently they found a new headmistress for us so we are starting off brand new. I just hope Enid is still my roommate, not that I would ever tell her that.

I knock on the bedroom door and see Enid frantically walking around the room in nothing but her tank top and underwear. She notices me and at the door and walks up to me quickly and holds me by the shoulders.

"Have you seem my lulu?!" She says yelling at me.

"I don't know what a lulu is but I haven't seen it." I say walking towards my packed bags.

"My leggings, my pink lululemon leggings! THEY ARE MY FAVORITE PAIR!!" She says loudly. I start to look at her more. She is sweating, stressed as hell, and on the verge of tears.

This can't just be about leggings...

"Enid." I say in my monotone voice. She keeps walking around.


"What's wrong?" I say softly. She stops walking and starts to cry in front of me. I pat the spot next to me on the bed and motion for her to come over here. She looks at me and walks over to sit down. "What's wrong Enid?" I say moving the hair in her face out of the way.

"I'm just really stressed about school. I mean, what if we aren't roommates? What if we tell people we are dating and they judge us, or worse... Wednesday I'm not good at math and that stuff like you are. How am I going to go to this school and not flunk out?" She says with tears down her eyes.

"One, we will be roommates. Even if I have to kill for it. Two, I will kill anybody who messed with me or you. Three, I will tutor you. I believe in you Enid, you are smarter than you think you are." I say to her. I watch her face as she starts to smile at me.

"You think so?"

"I know so."

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