Chapter 43: Conversations pt2

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Enids POV:

I squeeze Wednesdays hand tighter in mine and take a deep breath. I know my mom is homophobic. She always talked about and criticised other gay people. It was the small comments that made me upset.

"Enid. Do you remember what I have always taught you?" My mom says from the chair. I notice that my dad is still at the door, watching from a far.

God I hope he doesn't agree with her.

I don't respond to her.

"Well Enid. I taught you that there is only one way to love. Only one way that is acceptable." She says looking over to Wednesday. "Can you tell me what that is?"

"Mom-" I start to say.

"Enid I need you to listen. You need to understand that you are not what Wednesday is. You are better than her. You are more pure." My mom says. I can feel my heart beating fast. I want to yell at her so badly. I turn my head to Wednesday and she is calm, probably as calm as I have ever seen her.

"Mom." I say looking back over to her.

"Yes honey." She says hopeful.

"I'm in love with Wednesday. And frankly, I don't even know what my sexuality is right now because that doesn't matter. All I know is that I want to be who I am, not who you force me to be. And if you don't like it, then you don't have to be here with me for it." I say standing up on my feet.  My mom stands up with me and walks towards me more. She looks furious.


"THEN DONT, I WILL DO IT ALL ON MY OWN! I DONT NEED YOU! I DONT NEED AN UNSUPPORTIVE, IMPATIENT, STUCK UP, BITCH." I yell at her. The whole room goes silent. I don't swear that often. But when I do, it's just like that.

"Fine, I will leave. But you are no long we my daughter. I will not live having a daughter that always disappoints. Maybe without me you will finally get something right." She says quickly grabbing her stuff and walking out the door.

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