Chapter 4

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Me, Lily and our papas were sat in the living room of my maman and papa's home as dinner was being cooked in the kitchen by our mamans. We sat recalling past memories and laughed at some, some meaning one certain memory that none of us could never erase out of our minds no matter how long ago it was.

Our papas were trying to build a mini house in Lily's back garden when we were 8 years old. It has started to rain, quite heavily, and our papas being as stubborn as they were refused to give in as they were almost done. They had finished and were extremely proud of themselves as we were happy seeing the newly built mini house in the garden. They had gone to walk in and out of nowhere Lily's papa slipped and fell, falling straight into a puddle that had formed. My papa found this hilarious and so did me, Lily and our mamans but as he was laughing Marcus, her papa, decided to pull mine down with him. It was a core memory and we had grown up making many of these with our family as not only were me and Lily close but our families were too.

Another memory was brought up and it included formula one, which led to us speaking about the season that was now only a couple of days away from starting. When formula one was brought up we obviously spoke about ferrari, that being the team we had always supported. Me and Lily had got our papas weekend tickets to Bahrain with that being the first race of the season and we were planning on telling them at dinner but the more they spoke about the more I could feel Lily getting impatient next to me, she was so bad at keeping surprises a secret.

"So when are we going? Are we going to wait until it comes to Monaco?" my papa asked us all, causing Lily to snicker next to me. I nudged her with my elbow, not hard but hard enough to tell her to stop before we got caught out.

"Yes definitely, Monaco!" Lily's papa responded "what do you think?" the question being aimed at me and Lily. Our mamans knew about what me and Lily had planned and had already packed the bags for our papas before they had started dinner so all that we needed to do was tell them, which sooner or later was going to be blurred out if Lily couldn't keep control of herself.

"Yes, sounds good" I said answering the question that I couldn't trust Lily enough to do. I could feel her eyes burning through the side of my head as she looked at me,  pleading with her eyes that we told them now and didn't wait any longer. It was now or never as I laughed "fine, go on Lils".

"We're going Bahrain babyyy" her one sentence being filled with so much enthusiasm. I think she was nearly more excited as them as she jumped off the sofa and pretty much skipped towards them with the tickets up on her phone to show them. We were leaving tomorrow morning to make sure we got there in enough time. "Paddock passes too!" I completely forgot about that part.

"Oh, you girls are amazing" my papa exclaimed, Lily's nodding his head in agreement. "We get to see Charles and Carlos in action, in person for the first time." I also forgot about that part.

Since me and Charles had gone on that walk months ago, we hadn't met after that. He didn't completely ignore my existence as I didn't ignore his with us each liking each others instagram posts or stories every now and then. He sent an odd reply or two to my story, one being to a photo of me that Lily had took of me smiling sat outside a cute cafe, his message being continue à sourire ma belle, which meant, keep smiling beautiful. The other reply making fun of me because i'd dropped ice cream down my top and posted it on my story complaining that it was the only time i'd wore white in a while and I ruined it.

Sometimes I liked thinking back to when we went on a walk because the months after that leading up to now were full of chaos and work 24/7. This was because my parents business was handed over to the people beneath them to manage so I was in the offices a lot making sure everything was running smoothly for my maman and papa. There were quite a few mistakes made within the business that I had to take care of an as well as that, my ex went through a stage of putting it out to the media that I didn't love him and that's why he cheated. Obviously these rumours were cleared up eventually but it was a hard few months and I still went up to the hill whenever I needed a break but I never ran into him, sometimes I felt like I went there even more because I wanted to run into him.

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