Chapter 17

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Hope you all enjoyed your Christmas and new year<3 Also I was meant to upload a few days ago but i've been so i'll over xmas so i'm sorry x

      ty for 9k though💕



"So, what your telling me is it's a pr stunt on her side?" I questioned him knowing we didn't have long until his qualifying session began.

He nodded his head in response and it made complete sense as to why she mentioned his job now. Charles explained how he wouldn't lose his job because of his manager but because of hers, as he told me "if she doesn't like something I don't know what she's going to start plastering over the media and I can't have a negative image." It seemed much more complicated than how it originally sounded when he explained that part to it. 

None of the guys knew about this as Daniel and Pierre clearly showed when I had asked them about Lauren as they were completely oblivious to what was going on. I knew that as of right now I was the only person apart from him and Lauren that knew what their 'relationship' was and I also knew that it wasn't my place to share that it wasn't real. At the same time, I also knew that Charles was stuck in something that it was obvious he didn't want to be apart of and it irritates me that I couldn't say nor do anything to change that.

Charles' job wasn't in any sort of danger but it could easily be jeopardised by Lauren's and her manager. It was irritating for me to know that she had some sort of hold against him so I couldn't imagine how he felt knowing he was the one in that situation. With pr stunts there tended to be many different things that went into them, most revolving around the media and fans. By Charles saying he couldn't have a negative image it was clear that she would use the media to her advantage if anything wasn't to go her way and unfortunately people are gullible these days, which is why everyone believes this is a real relationship in the first place.

"So you're going to stay in this rel- actually no fake relationship?" I asked him. Something in me wanted him to say no but then hopes were quickly broke when he said he was going to continue with it. I understood that it was his job that was keeping him in it so didn't question him further but I realised I wouldn't of had time to question him anyway as I saw the time showing it was twenty minutes before qualifiers. "We best go."

Charles led me back into the hallway of doors we had walked up earlier and even though I now knew what the situation was the awkward atmosphere between us still seemed to hover. When we got to the door to exit into the paddocks he stopped, which startled me a little as I wasn't paying attention and almost walked into him.

"I'm going to have to rush to the garage but please try and act normal with Lauren" he said to me before continuing "and don't tell her I told you, I wasn't meant to"

I hated that I was having to tell him that I would keep this secret away from her because in all honesty I wanted to go into that garage and tell her exactly what I was thinking. I wanted to tell her how I believed she had no right to meddle with his job or emotions the way she was doing but it wasn't my place to do that. I nodded my head at him and agreed I'd stay quiet about the situation. I wasn't annoyed at him but I was
annoyed that he got himself involved with this in the first place because I cared about him and didn't like seeing him frustrated.

"Good luck" I told him as he turned back round in the direction of the door in front of him. He flashed me that usual smile with his dimples showing before leaving in quite a hurry to get back for the session.

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