Chapter 28

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Waking up and feeling Charles still beside me should've made me feel excited, especially due to how I felt last night before going to sleep but instead I felt some type of knot in my stomach. When I'd woken up in the hotel with him it felt normal, I hadn't felt super happy nor did I feel super uncomfortable but right now I felt like where I was, was nerve wracking. I couldn't think of a reason for the feeling right now except I felt awkward about what I had acknowledged because now I wasn't sleepy I felt like I was thinking a little clearer.

I had those nervous feelings in my stomach around him lately, showing that for me there was something more to this than a friendship. However, to him I think friends are the only way to describe the two of us. Saying he's at ease with me being the reason I noticed I felt a little more for him than friends may not be something logical. He could be at ease with anyone with the lifestyle he has due to the constant rush and business, of course moments where everything's peaceful would be a moment where he's at ease. Maybe I was thinking too much into it but I didn't like the feeling of feeling, especially after how Lucas had been.

"What you thinking of, ma cherí?"

I hadn't noticed him awaken from next to me and as he spoke he had put one of his hands on my arm, softly, which made me jump slightly at the unexpected touch. What I was thinking of was so irrelevant yet relevant to him at the same time but there was nothing that would make me tell him the thoughts rushing around in my mind. His eyes, the different shades of green in the iris of them, looked straight into mine as I turned around to face him. Refusing to give him an answer, I smiled and did the action of zipping my mouth shut, which meant it was a secret.

He shook his head a little at the withholding of my thoughts but I knew he didn't mind because of the faint smile on his face. I moved my head further to the side to face him and in the midst of doing this a small strand of hair fell into my face, covering a small part of one of my eyes. To make things easier for myself and being lazy, I tried to blow the hair away but failed quite a few times. I was about to move the hair out of my face with my hand but Charles beat me to it as he tucked the strand behind my ear. There were the butterflies again.

"Why do you blush around me, Pavelli?"

It was embarrassing when he pointed that out as I hoped the sudden heat in my cheeks wasn't visible to him but clearly it was. My answer would be because you make me nervous if I had the balls and knew his reaction would be good beforehand but I wanted to completely avoid making this situation awkward right now, well any more embarrassing for me. There was no doubt that the question had made me even more nervous as my cheeks got hotter and hotter making it less bearable to be looking at him right now.

"It's hot in here, don't you think" I answered, whilst totally contradicting my response at the same time as I covered part of my face with the covers to hide the obvious redness in my face. My lie was believable because it was definitely hot in this room, especially since we were both in the same bed in a room where the sun was gleaming through any gap it could get through in the curtains.

"You didn't answer my ques-"

"Definitely too hot in here, I need a shower" I interrupted, getting up and out the bed so that I could remove myself from the conversation before he said anything that led to me blurting out anything I'd rather him be unaware of. "I'll see you for breakfast"

Removing myself may of made me look more suspicious but like I said I'd rather not blurt anything out. When I got into the shower, I tensed a little at the cold water that spat out to start with before eventually relaxing as it was quite soothing after I'd been so hot in the bedroom. Shampoo trickled into my eye as it came down my forehead from my hair whilst I was rinsing it and you'd think you would get over the stinging of it with the amount of times you did it as a child but it never got better whenever you did it. The stinging would always stop but only after you aggressively rubbed your eye with one of your fingers and then dabbed it with a towel afterwards.

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