Chapter 14

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I'm sorry for taking so long for this chapter, I've rewrote it like five times but here you go :) x

Also tysm for 5k reads!!!❤️



The second practice wasn't disappointing for ferrari as Charles took p1 again and Carlos took p3, the red bull driver, Max, being in between the two. Charles had entered with a grin on his face as he usually did after a race and made a b-line for me, holding his arms out the closer he got. I hadn't expected him to pull me into a hug when he finally reached me as I became surrounded by the familiar scent of his aftershave.

His head stayed resting on the top of mine for a few seconds before he unwrapped his arms from around my waist and stepped back. There was a small moment of awkwardness as I don't believe he had a plan on what to do after he had hugged me. He soon looked up from the floor and back at me, his dimples showing as he smiled again. His dimples were hard to miss from afar, never mind when he was stood right in front of me.

"I did my part of the deal" he said and I was glad he spoke as the silence had started to feel quite loud. Him completing his part of the d meant I had to stick to my side of it, which was being in the ferrari garage and not ditching it again. It wouldn't be difficult as I knew I was cheering for Charles no matter what garage I was in so being in the ferrari garage made sense, him being their driver and everything.

We had a small conversation about the race and he was quite critical on his performances. I didn't see the problems he identified as I wasn't the driver, therefore I didn't know what to look for but he had said he felt the car pushing against him slightly at times. When talking about things like this he would tend to push his tongue against the inside of his cheek when concentrating on thinking of how to describe these situations to me. Also, Charles made it very clear to me that he and Carlos didn't agree with their strategist at the moment as they believed he was making incorrect decisions that weren't beneficial to the two of them.

Half way through that conversation we had been interrupted by Charles' public relations manager as she needed to speak to him about media, as you would expect. She was very apologetic for interrupting and said sorry quite a few times in her sentence. I could tell she felt uncomfortable cutting in but it was her job and me and Charles both gave her a smile when she apologised for the fifth time, reassuring her that we weren't irritated by her gesture.

There were no issues in the way Charles was portraying himself to the public but his PR manager needed to have some conversations with him and she had clearly implied the conversations were confidential. This meant that Charles did have to leave me but thankfully there were others I could speak to in the area as I had created friendships last weekend, which were the reasons I was here alongside Lily forcing me to be.

When I left the garage, Daniel waved me over once he caught my eye contact. I made my way over to him, having to avoid the engineers who were rolling wheels around outside each of the garages down the path. I was sure that the engineers didn't get a break as they were always working on the tyres and cars as a whole. Most of the teams social media's always showed the engineers before and after races preparing for whatever was coming up.

Walking out of the Mclaren garage, Lily smiled as she saw me as I'd just got to where Daniel was standing. Her and Lando joined us and I think this was our thing as a little group. Standing outside the Mclaren garage having what you'd call a 'chin-wag' before and after most of the races. Lily was as clueless as I was on some of the things that Daniel and Lando spoke about when it got onto the topic of things such as the engines and how they were working under pressure.

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