Chapter 58

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Call incoming...

"Hello?" I answered the phone, confused on why Pierre was calling me out of the blue.

"Alena, I don't know how to tell you"

"Tell me what?"

"Are you with Charles right now?"

"No, but you're worrying me a little now, are you okay? Is he okay?"

"Yeah we are both fine, I'm at Lando's right now, am I able to come over?"

"Of course."

Call ended.


Pierre had worried me now and had me walking back and forth in my living room, trying to think of what he was coming over for. He was fine and Charles was fine so nobody was hurt or anything. Pierre had never been at my house and he had never come over for anything in the past so it wasn't a normal thing for him to just ask to come over.

Thankfully, it didn't take long before I heard a knock at my door. As I opened it, I saw a stressed looking Pierre, but also a sad looking Pierre. He didn't look fine and I didn't feel fine either as he made it way in, without saying anything yet.

"Pierre you're being really weird."

He didn't answer me, instead he ended up in my living room, sat, leaning forward with his chin rested on his hands. I sat across from him and decided to be patient because clearly whatever he wanted to say was important and by the looks of it not very good. I was hoping he was just overreacting about something but it didn't look like one of those situations.

"He cheated Lena."

"Who did?"

Once again, he was silent and didn't answer my question. He just sat looking at me and it was as if he wanted me to read his mind but I wasn't catching on. There was no way he meant Charles because Charles had been with me yesterday as we had obviously been at Pascale's house.

"Pierre come on, who cheated? Did Lando cheat on Lily? Daniel on Heidi?"

I didn't know why I wasn't getting a response it was like he had all of a sudden swallowed his tongue. That was when I started to get another phone call and this time the name showing up on my phone was Charles.

"Don't answer it" Pierre quickly said just as I was going to press the green circle.

"Pierre what the fuck? You say he cheated then won't tell me who."

I went to answer the phone again and that's when he decided to blurt out what he had been holding in.

"Charles cheated in Australia and also in Austria. Maybe a few other times too. Him and Isabella, they've had some sort of fling and I don't know how long for but me and Lando figured it out and I didn't know how to tell you because I know how much you care about him but he did. Alena he cheated and I'm sorry."

He looked at me waiting for an answer and I just declined the phone call that was still incoming. I'd have liked to think that Pierre was taking the piss with me right now but I don't think he or Lando would sink to them kind of levels of a joke.

"I don't know how much happened, I don't know how far it went between the two of them but there have been multiple occasions. He's an idiot, I've already told him."

"Pierre please say you're joking. I literally met his family yesterday it's making no sense"

I saw his face drop even more at what I said. It was obvious now that he was telling the truth and I do feel like I felt my heart break a little but I didn't really know how to respond. I felt sad but angry but also stupid because how did I not notice it and how did I not catch on.

"Thanks Pierre," I forced a smile, "for coming to tell me."

Writers note
This one's short on purpose, but see you in the next chapter <3

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~Mel x

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