Chapter 56

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As we entered the club, I decided to separate from Charles and make my way to the bar to get some drinks for us. Also at the bar was Pierre, who surprisingly didn't have Daniel right next to him.

"Hello, what can I get for you pretty lady?" The bartender asked, waiting patiently whilst I was trying to decide my drink choice.

"Could I get a vodka coke and..."

I didn't know whether I wanted to drink alcohol tonight because I wasn't feeling up to possibly feeling rough in the morning on the plane home. After some thorough thinking, I decided against the alcohol.

"And a lemonade please," I finished.

The look I got from Pierre was quite funny as he heard me ask for the non alcoholic drink. I could tell he was judging me but he also wouldn't be the one dealing with a drunk Charles tonight, so he had no right to judge.

"Don't look at me like that," I laughed as Pierre still had his eyebrows raised, now shaking his head a little.

"Lemonade on a night out, I thought you were better than that Alena," He joked before turning to the bartender. "Please get this lovely lady a vodka coke as well, on me"

I gave him a glare as the bartender nodded his head straight away. Of course the bartender would take his word for it and not ask me, it was Pierre Gasly for fuck sake. I guess one drink wouldn't hurt anyone.

The drinks were soon finished and Pierre grabbed the vodka and coke that he had bought me so that I could carry the two drinks I had ordered back to the table that everyone was around. Pierre also carried a round of shots on his other hand, which everyone cheered for once he placed them down.

I didn't know if it was my eyes deceiving me but I saw Charles and he was talking to Isabella. I trusted him, especially after we had sorted things in London because I feel like he meant what he said about nothing ever happening with her but I still didn't like seeing it. At the end of the day, I knew that she clearly thought differently of Charles than he did of her.

"Alena was trying to drink lemonade only," I heard Pierre telling Daniel beside me and I immediately got a small punch on the side of my arm.

"That was uncalled for," I turned to Daniel, who was now shaking his head at me like Pierre was at the bar.

"Don't be boring then, drink with us Lena!" Daniel said, passing me a shot that he had just picked up. "Pretty please."

"I hate you both" I said, pointing between the two of my friends before I put my head back, taking the shot. I guess it wasn't going to be just one drink tonight.

Sooner than I expected, I ended up on the dance floor with Lily and I was quite a few drinks down. Both Pierre and Daniel were supplying me with drinks, every time I finished one they would bring me a new one, so this dance break was much needed as it gave me an excuse to escape from the two of them.

The dance floor was quite crowded and you could feel the sweat off some people that had clearly been here hours before we had even arrived. Lily kept getting knocked side to side but that didn't stop her from dancing, it never would stop her from dancing, even if she ended up on the floor.

"So, what's going off with him?" Lily asked me over the music, pointing over to Charles who was still conversing with Isabella.

"I think he took seventh place a little harshly, he's been off all day but he's alright now," I told her.

We continued to dance but I couldn't help but keep looking over at Charles who seemed to be laughing and giggling with Isabella. He looked like he was having such a good time yet he hadn't spoken to me once since we stepped foot in the club. Then again, I hadn't gone and spoke to him either so it was double standards, we were both just enjoying our time separately.

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