Chapter 43

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"Vous êtes belle" Charles said as his eyes moved down my body and back up to my eyes. I couldn't get enough of how he looked at me, his eyes were so alluring to me.


Since earlier on when he had dropped me off, no further conversations had been had as he wasn't giving away his reasoning for kissing me in front of everyone. All he continued to say was it was giving an idea to Lauren about what was coming. He hadn't been at my house long until he suggested we go out for some food, just the two of us, before we could join a few of the boys who were having a few drinks in Monte-Carlo later on in the night.

The idea was appealing to me and I was instructed to be ready for seven, specifically being told to dress smart, before he had left for his home so he could change his attire. Charles wasn't really known for having a good style but he stood in front of me at my front door, with two ties in his hand, asking me which one I preferred. The two ties I had to pick between were equally as nice, however the one in his left hand caught my eye more as it had gold detailing. The gold detailing brought the outfit together perfectly as he was wearing a stylish plain black suit. Also, as much as the other tie was nice, it was dark red and I believe it contrasted with the rest of the outfit a little bit. As I pointed to the tie, I felt like his fans would be happy with my decision.

I was wearing a black dress that had a sweetheart neckline and lantern arms, which were sheer therefore showed my arms beneath. Being a gold jewellery type of girl, I had added a couple of bracelets and a necklace to bring the look together. The look as a whole wasn't anything fancy as I didn't do anything special with my hair as I had a beach wave style going on.

While I was getting my shoes on, I could see Charles having a struggle with getting his tie on as he kept tying it too short. Each time he put the end of the tie through the loop, it became slightly loose meaning that it was shortening but he clearly didn't understand what he was doing wrong as he continued to put it on the same way each time. Once I finished strapping my heel straps around my ankles, I decided to stop watching trouble he was going through and offered to do it for him.

"What would you do without me?" I said as I put the middle of the tie on the back of his neck, before pulling the ends to the front of him so that I could measure each of them up.

"I haven't got a mirror, it was difficult"

I laughed at his excuse as he sighed at my successful first attempt. I only just noticed that we had a similar theme going on of black and gold as I saw my bracelet hanging next to his tie whilst I pulled it tight to his neck. Once the tie issue was sorted, we were able to leave the front of my house as I shut the door behind me, locking it and putting the key into my bag that I had hung on my shoulder.

As we walked to his car, he put his arm around me and pulled me closer into him as we walked side by side. I liked how he brought me close to him, because being in close proximity to him was probably one of my favourite things. The way he moved his thumb up and down my shoulder as he held it made me fulfilled with this moment and the night that was ahead of us. It seemed like after things had been a bit hectic recently, things were finally starting to slow down and allow us to enjoy each other's company.

Like he always did, he held the passenger door open for me, putting his hand on my lower back as I went to get in. As he walked round to the other side of the car, I checked myself in the rear view mirror to make sure that there was nothing wrong with my makeup. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if something like my lipstick was smudged and he hadn't told me. Thankfully there was nothing wrong as I sat back into the seat as he entered the car.

Starting the car, Charles had one hand on the steering wheel and one on my thigh, moving it only when he needed to change gears. Charles had his phone connected to the radio and it had been playing smooth operator, which I found amusing as the song was linked with his team mate and he definitely knew that. The next song that came on was hymn for the weekend-coldplay and I looked at Charles, who had now started singing along with it. To be honest, I definitely saw Charles as a coldplay fan.

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